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Heartfelt Saga


Offers Available

Product Contains
  • Day 1: Bunch of 12 Yellow Roses
  • Day 2: Bunch of 10 FiveStar Chocolates
  • Day3: Bunch of 10 Red Roses with 6" Teddy and 5 Small Dairy Milk Chocolate
Day 1: Bunch of 12 Yellow Roses 2: Bunch of 10 FiveStar Chocolates 3: Bunch of 10 Red Roses with 6" Teddy and 5 Small Dairy Milk Chocolates NOTE: While selecting the date for delivery, select the starting date when you want the Serenade to start. For example: Select 8th Feb date for delivery on 8th, 9th, 10th & 11th Feb."
Price Breakup: Flower ₹2253, Chocolates ₹118, Teddy ₹224

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