This exquisite glass vase arrangement features three luscious red roses nestled amongst a bed of fresh green Kamini leaves, creating a captivating contrast of colours and textures. As you bask in the radiance of the vivid petals, a sense of wonder and enchantment overcomes you, as if you are witnessing a true masterpiece of nature. The perfect gift for any occasion, this gorgeous arrangement captures your heart and captivates you with its charm and elegance.
Caring Tips
Start by removing the bouquet wrapper.
Cut the stems by one or two inches from the bottom to ensure better water intake.
Choose a vase and fill it with water.
Remove the leaves below the water level to prevent bacterial growth.
Add two tablespoon of Lemon Juice and sugar into the water.
Make sure to place the vase in indirect sunlight.
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Product Review
Customer Images
13th Oct 2024
Occasion : Birthday
Beautiful and fresh flowers delivered on time
Jyoti Sungra
8th Feb 2024
Occasion : Rose Day
The flowers were very fresh with good quality glass vase. Amazing ❤️