This stunning bouquet features a harmonious blend of 10 delicate pink roses and 3 stems of pure white daisies, artfully arranged and beautifully wrapped. The choice of pink roses symbolizes admiration, gratitude, and affection, while the white daisies represent innocence and purity. This combination is the perfect choice to convey your best wishes on any special occasion. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or just a heartfelt gesture, this bouquet speaks volumes of your love and well-wishes. Its elegant design and soft color palette make it a timeless and thoughtful gift that will surely brighten your loved one's day.
Caring Tips
Gently remove the bouquet wrapping and any outer guard petals if needed
Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle by about one to two inches to promote water absorption
Fill a clean vase with fresh water
Remove any leaves below the waterline to avoid bacterial growth
Add a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice or flower food to the water for extra nourishment
Place the vase in a cool spot with indirect sunlight, away from heat sources or draughts
Change the water every two days and trim the stems to keep the roses fresh longer
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Product Reviews
Sudha Kovalam
14th Oct 2024
Occasion : Congratulation
Flowers were fresh and pretty as depicted in the picture!