Presenting this bouquet that whispers elegance and charm! This delightful arrangement features delicate light pink gerberas, pristine white lilies, and a mix of soft white and pink roses, all beautifully set in a pink-tinted vase. The soft hues blend together to create a refreshing visual experience, perfect for brightening any space or occasion. Whether it's a gesture of love, appreciation, or simply to add beauty to your surroundings, this floral masterpiece is the ideal choice!
Caring Tips
Cut 1-2 cm off the stems at a 45° angle every 2-3 days to promote water absorption.
Replace the water every two days to keep it fresh and clean.
Add flower food or a teaspoon of sugar to the water to nourish the blooms.
Keep the vase in a cool spot, away from direct sunlight and drafts.
Regularly remove any wilting petals or leaves to maintain freshness.