Elegance meets emotion with our Red Rose Bouquet wrapped in black paper. This bouquet is the embodiment of passion and romance, a silent but powerful expression of love. The deep crimson roses, carefully handpicked and expertly arranged, convey your affection in the most captivating way. The black paper exudes an air of mystery and sophistication, adding to the intrigue of your heartfelt gesture. Whether it's an anniversary, a birthday, or just an ordinary day you want to make extraordinary, this bouquet is the perfect choice to let your loved one know how deeply you care.
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Product Review
Rashi Bhardwaj
18th Jan 2024
Occasion : Anniversary
exactly like the pictures
4th Jan 2024
Occasion : Anniversary
The cake was a bit sweet in taste and the flowers were absolutely flawless!! Loved the delivery time as well, keep it going ?