A delicate creation of blushing beauty, this bouquet is an exquisite blend of allure and botanical splendour—the pink non-woven paper envelopes twenty sumptuous pink roses, their velvety petals unfurling in a tender embrace. Delicate white Gypso fillers adorn this marvellous creation, adding a touch of ethereal elegance. A magnificent arrangement that speaks of passion and grace, this bouquet is a stunning work of floral art that will leave you mesmerized.
Caring Tips
Gently remove the bouquet wrapping and any outer guard petals if needed
Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle by about one to two inches to promote water absorption
Fill a clean vase with fresh water
Remove any leaves below the waterline to avoid bacterial growth
Add a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice or flower food to the water for extra nourishment
Place the vase in a cool spot with indirect sunlight, away from heat sources or draughts
Change the water every two days and trim the stems to keep the roses fresh longer