Why True Love Is A Beautiful Mess
Indeed, it is a mess but a gorgeous one! It is such alluring chaos, that you cannot escape its facade. Such is the charm of love that it makes you feel like a kid running in green meadows on a sunny day, flying its kite; it makes you feel that life is worthwhile. If it is so beautiful, then why it is a mess? Because it masquerades itself in many forms. Not always it comes out unswerving and shows its true face. It hides in a million emotions where you have to find it. It might love to play hide and seek, but, it is always there, waiting for you to recognise it. There are not one but numerous situations to illustrate it.

The sunshine that love is
At times, you feel so low that you don’t even wish to crawl out of bed. You don’t want to face the world and nothing seems worthy enough. You feel things are not going your way but as you get up in the morning, you see his smiling face and he tells you, “I love you” and those three magical word coming out of his mouth for you makes you feel sunshine on your face. He holds your hands and spins you around in his arms and you feel strong enough to conquer the world with one hand. This is love and it's magically beautiful.

Oh! What a mess it is
Then, why it is a mess? It is a mess because to see this beautiful face of the relationship you have combated some ugly ones too. You have made several compromises with your partner. You might not be a morning person but you woke up early to prepare the breakfast for both of you while he is sleeping snugly in the bed. You are more romantic than him and might have planned all the dates. There have been occasions when you were not willing to meet his family but had to anyway because your partner wanted it. It was tiring and frustrating and you had thought, is this worth it? Is love worthy enough to go through all the troubles with one person? Believe it or not, love changes all of us a little bit and this transformational journey shows us the ugly mess we were talking about because you feel like you are doing all the adjustments with your partner but he is doing it too. He must be having same emotional strain as you and this may be the reason of ugly fights you guys are having but once you have conquered this mess, nothing but love will remain.

The one prayer that is never answered
Love is known to show its uglier sides more often than its pleasing ones. He loves her with all his heart and is ready to give her everything he can. He wants to keep her happy, see her smile and spend the rest of the life with her but deep down inside, he knows his love will never be reciprocated. He knows he is being taken for granted. He realises that he is not her priority, that, he will be nothing more than a friend to her but still, he keeps loving her with everything he has got. He has no expectations from her but he is just happy to be near her. Love is indeed, a mess for him, but still oh-so-beautiful feeling that he doesn’t want to let it go.

Is it better to never love or to love and lose it?
Well, this question is the one that you have to ask yourself. Instead of being afraid to ask her out, why don’t you just do it? You are already entangled in this beautiful mess. Never to love is not even an option cause you are knee deep in those lovey-dovey emotions. All you have to do is to pop the question. What if she said yes and you guys clicked with each other? Give the world a love story that it can trust upon. You have to build a love story and that is your destiny, why don’t you start here. The worst that could happen is that she will say no and all it will mean is that your true love is still waiting out for you somewhere. Find her.

What if she doesn’t love you the same way as she used to?
That spark and chemistry are nowhere to be found now. Suddenly, he doesn’t care if she is stressed and she isn't bothered if he needs her. She might realise it but chooses to ignore it. He wants to keep a distance from her and she is fine by it. Where is that beautiful feeling now? It is somewhere between you too. All he needs to do is to look at her once and remember the first day he saw her. Wasn’t she the most beautiful thing in the world? Trust the love that bought you two together. It will never let you down. Work for her, no one said it will be easy. Although it is enticingly beautiful, it is a mess no less. Take her in arms and ask her what’s wrong. She will snuggle in your chest like a baby and melt like glass. She is fragile, hold her lightly, kiss her with the same passion you did for the first time and see this beautiful mess working its charm.

You just can’t escape it
Love it or hate it, you are born to go through it once. Love can make a person go through leaps and bounds he or she has never thought before. It can build you up, it may break you down and it can make you smile in your dreams. Adjustment and compromises are two main ingredients of the love potion. You decide to go through all the thick and thins with that one person in a lifetime because love is playing its role well. You might have to do something you don't like but the other person loves, might be shopping cooking or keeping pets. Experience it all, cause its a beautiful mess.