What do the different colors of Roses Signify?
“I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds around my neck.” – Emma Goldman
Flowers indeed are the most beautiful creation on the planet. And of those, Roses are the most admirable. The rose belongs to the genus Rosa, in the family Rosacea. Roses symbolize love, passion, admiration and nature’s beauty. After all, their splendor is hard to resist.

Coveted throughout history for its incomparable beauty and spellbinding fragrance, Roses have been the best messenger of emotions. And with different colors of roses, the emotions can be expressed even better. In fact, the number of roses too signify a different meaning.
1. Red Rose
Known to be the Universal Symbol of Love and Romance, Red colour Rose has been used widely to share the feelings of love and deepest emotions. Red Roses also send a message of appreciation and good wishes.

2. Yellow Rose
Since long, the color yellow has been associated with the Sun, thereby making the yellow rose perfect for brightening people’s day and cheering them up. Yellow roses represent the gesture of appreciation and spiritual love.

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3. Orange Rose
The beautiful blend of Red and Yellow, Orange Rose symbolizes Desire and Fascination. They are given to celebrate small achievements and fill the day with zeal and enthusiasm.

4. White Rose
White symbolizes innocence and purity. It represents the purity of new love. White Rose is also known as the Wedding flower. They are also associated with nobility and reverence.

5. Lavender Rose
Purple is the color of royalty and enchantment. And so is the Purple Rose. The shades of lavender rose create the aura of regal majesty and splendor. Lavender rose is a rare find.

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6. Pink Rose
The color pink represents unconditional love and appreciation. The combination of Red and White, the color Pink inherits the symbolization of both colors. Pink rose represents love, empathy, gratitude and appreciation.

So, now that you know what the meaning of different colours of roses is, make a perfect choice! Explore our exquisite collection of roses and Rose Day gifts at FlowerAura by visiting our website. Choose from a diverse range of options for a delightful shopping experience.