
What are gluten free cakes

March 17, 2020

Don’t kill your cravings for a cake if you are suffering from celiac disease or because you have health problems like abdominal pain or fatigue caused due to sensitivity to gluten. Many people try gluten free cakes just to experiment with different types of flours, flavours and baking aids. Well, whatever may be the reason, before we get further, let’s understand what is gluten and is it important to go all gluten free baking or not!

Gluten is a protein element generally found in the grains wheat, rye, barley, and oats. This protein gives the flour, e.g. wheat, its texture, quality and structure. This is the reason bread has a specific stretch or bounce. Rye and oats contain a somewhat extraordinary kind of gluten and hence a few people who may accept they are gluten-intolerant may just be intolerant to wheat and not oats.

Following a gluten-free diet without celiac disease can get negative to wellbeing. Avoiding nourishments that contain gluten can prompt inadequacies in basic supplements, including iron, calcium, fibre, folate, riboflavin, thiamin, and niacin. So, here’s your answer to whether or not to go all gluten free. You can from time to time, give your digestive system a break from gluten but don’t totally avoid it!

In case of the disease or any other medical problem, the people that avoid gluten cakes, eat cakes made from almond or coconut flour or any other flour. Here are a few alternatives that you can use to bake gluten free cakes. So, even the idea of avoiding a delicious cake is out of the picture.

Tips For Fluffy Cake

1. Rice Flour

Rice flour is accessible in both brown and white types, each with their own nutritional properties. It is produced using finely processed rice and is utilized as a substitute for more traditional baking, for example, bread. It can likewise be utilized to make rice noodles.

Rice Flour

2. Almond Flour

Almond flour is stacked up with Vitamin E, heart beneficial fats, and is especially high in protein because of its nutty nature. It's ideal for a denser prepared dessert, for example, brownies or blondies and can likewise be utilized in baking recipes to substitute bread crumbs.

Almond Flour

3. Buckwheat Flour

Buckwheat is an ancient grain, generally known as groats. The flour can be purchased as it is. It is high in fibre and protein and gives a nutty flavour. Use buckwheat flour in the biscuit, bread, cup cakes and muffin recipes.

Buckwheat Flour

4. Potato Flour

Produced using ground and dehydrated potatoes, this flour has a lot earthier flavour than any of the other options. It's ideal for flavorful baking, for example, bread and waffles, and for adding thickness to sauces and soups.

Potato flour

5. Amaranth Flour

This seed is more than 8,000 years old! It was famous in ancient times and is referred to as the Food of the Gods. On account of its nuttier flavour, it's best for cookies, if you blend it in with oil or fruit purée to give it a touch of dampness.

Amaranth Flour

So, these are different alternatives that you can go for. Head on to your local supermarket, and you will probably find a gluten-free flour made with the mixture of these. Only the flour needs to be adjusted in the gluten free cakes. Rest all ingredients are the same. So once the cake is ready, make it yummier with delicious frosting and icing. You can also buy gluten free fresh cakes online! Happy baking! Happy eating!

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