
Ways to Celebrate Anniversary While Travelling

September 27, 2019

There is something undoubtedly cliched yet very special about celebrating anniversaries, year after year! It’s like on birthdays we celebrate the birth of a person, while on anniversaries, we celebrate the togetherness of a couple. So, as the focus is on two people, the element of fun also tends to get doubled up. Every year, whenever it calls for an anniversary celebration, every little effort must bring those two people, madly in love, closer than ever. While some couples like to treat each other with some attractive anniversary gift, others like to throw some extravagant anniversary parties to spend some quality time along with the people who matter. As per the gifting is concerned, it gets really difficult to woo the partner, every time with a different thought. But, if you and your partner had promised to tour around the world together, then there is no better gift than to surprise her by planning some cool wedding anniversary trip ideas. To make the journey comfortable, make sure to start the brainstorming/planning/prepping for the trip, way before the D-Day. Because you surely cannot afford to mess things up. To help you out by deciding what and how to go about things, we have suggested a few things that one can consider while celebrating their anniversary travelling. Have a look!

Couples celebrating anniversary day

(1) Start By Deciding The Destination

One of the important parts of deciding this element is to think from your partner's point of view and not yours. Think of the places, she mentioned before while talking to you, and then, decide where to take her, this anniversary. Based on your budget, decide whether you want to take her someplace abroad or within the country, itself. Accordingly, make the bookings to avoid the last-minute rush and price hike. Once having done that, plan out the whole trip, by preparing a trip itinerary.

Decision making for anniversary celebrations

(2) Drop Little Hints By Increasing Her Curiosity

After having planned where to go for 1st wedding anniversary or be it, on 50th wedding anniversary, start dropping some little hints in the form of some anniversary oriented gifts. It could start by asking her to start packing her bags for a few days by making some excuses (enough belief worthy) to handing over her personalised travel wallet or passport cover, while your way to the airport. I know, at first, you might have butterflies in your stomach to reveal all the surprise planning, all at once, but trust me, when I say this - it’s going to be worth all the wait! So, patience baby, patience!

having planned to go out for 1st wedding anniversary

(3) Staycation Or A legit anniversary vacation?

So, if you have come this far, then let me tell you - Good Work, you are halfway through your surprise anniversary plan! Now, that you have checked in to your hotel room, she has probably got to know that this year’s anniversary is going to be full of some exciting surprises. But, she doesn’t quite know whether it is just a staycation or this trip has got more in its store. So, let her keep wondering while she enjoys the hotel home service, at her service.

keep wondering her with the hotel home service

(4) Candlelight Dinner Is Always A Heart- Winner

Over this step, she is bound to remain speechless by your gesture. No matter what, a lady says regarding “candlelight dinners being too cheesy,” but on this day, it shall melt her heart into tears while relishing one. Make sure, you do an advance reservation at some posh, romantic restaurant with some sea-facing or mountain-facing cafe to give her the feels, that she adores. If you are doing this, going this far, then make sure the right time….her way! Let her choose the cuisine, appetisers and main courses while you take over the bar menu!

couples candlelight dinner

(5) Take A Nature Walk

No doubt, the last day was made incredibly special for her. But, just a day won’t enough after crossing the milestone together. This trip can be a good reason to make it up for those days when you prioritised professional commitments over her. So, spend some quality time, talking about life, gossiping about people and most importantly, being close to nature. Being close to nature wouldn’t just be a treat for her, but also you.

couples taking a nature walk

(6) Let The Good Times Roll With An Adrenaline Punch

Go wild and adventurous, as you explore the crazy side of yours with your boo! Because, insanity is the new synonym of sanity! Try out the various adventure sports together and go nuts, as your adrenaline rushes to the core. You can go rafting, trekking, scuba diving, snorkelling, kayaking, depending on what your anniversary destination has got to offer. Explore the unseen side of your partner and fall in love with her soul, all over again!

couples exploring the crazy moments with kayaking

(7) Enjoy The RoadSide Glory

The local eateries, tea-stalls and stores of any place have their kind of charm. Also, it’s charm tends to please your simple, charming lady. It feels nice, to chuck out healthy, hygienic food once in your life and enjoy the roadside delicacies. From savouring the deep-fried knick-knacks to going shopping for local handicrafts, your lady is going to love every bit of this trip.

couples taking local eateries on Anniversary

(8) Keep The Romance Alive

No matter how one underestimates the power of kinkiness, it sure does wonders to keep the relationship intact. Sex is a necessary underrated aspect of every healthy relationship, no matter how much people consider it to be a taboo! So, make sure to spice things up a little to never let that spark in your relationship fade away. And on this trip, if you are willing to make some cherishable moments with the love of your life, then make sure to have a moment and make love. Your lady is surely going to love the heat and the energy!

keep the romance alive in a relationship

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