
The Ultimate Orchids Care Guide

March 13, 2020

When we talk of exoticness in flowers, orchids are one such beauty which is nature’s one of the artistic creations. Most of them are said to be easy to care for, while there are many other species of it that require special attention and care. Unlike many other plants, orchids aren’t like traditional potted plants. They are epiphytes, which means they don’t grow in soil, rather grow hanging on the bark of trees. There exists one such variety of orchids called lady slippers which are semi-terrestrial in nature and grows in the loamy soil of the jungle floor. From wedding decor to decorating the living rooms, orchids have become quite a favourite flower of everyone.

Ultimate Orchids Care Guide

Although as different as it is, in its appeal, these flowers have its own orchids care guide to insist amateur gardeners like us how to look after orchids. While many have a hard time to consider orchids as beautiful houseplants, wherein fact, these are not that difficult to care plants. In terms of longevity, orchids are a sheer blessing which makes it an ideal houseplant. Answering all orchids care-related questions, this article will help one to figure out how to care for orchids. So, without any further ado, let’s quickly start discussing in detail.

How To Take Care Of Orchids - Basic Points

  • Orchids usually need to be watered once a week. Overwatering can cause its roots to rot.
  • Place the orchid plant facing east or west direction towards bright sunlight.
  • Weekly nurture it with some fertilisers meant for orchids from the market.
  • When orchids stop to bloom, repot it in a fresh orchid mix.
  • The best orchid mix which promotes healthy drainage and good airflow among orchids are the one containing special media. The special media needs to be decided on the basis of the orchid plant type and its adaptability conditions. One can go with the Classic Orchid Mix or Imperial Orchid Mix or can select to customise your own.
  • For those you were wondering orchids usually grow in pots are highly mistaken. It is according to our convenience, we put them in pots and help it grow. So orchids root, as a consequence of which grows outside the pot.
  • The humidity level inside a house is not suitable for epiphytes, like orchids. So, one needs a pot that would hold moisture around the roots of the orchids. Just like the leaves of any other plant show how healthy the plant is, in orchids, the roots show us how healthy the plant is. Surprisingly, just like the leaves in any plant performs photosynthesis, it is said that the roots of orchids perform this process as it gets exposed to the sunlight.
  • As the regular fertilisers contain Urea which is not well absorbed by orchids and this is the reason orchid specific fertilisers are needed to take care of.
  • When it comes to good humidity and air movement, while nurturing orchids, it becomes one of the most important steps of orchid care. One must note that too much moisture and too little air movement is sure to make the plant prone to rotting.
  • Different species of orchids require different light requirements which are essential for their nourishment. Even the orchids having high light requirements would not do well in bright direct sunlight, and the same applies to the orchids having low light requirements. They wouldn’t simply exist by being far away from any light source.
  • Depending on the orchid kind, that one owns, the ideal temperature of its growth needs to be set. While some orchid species like Phalaenopsis orchids need daytime temperature. Dendrobiums enjoy cooler temperatures while growing. So, some orchids prefer warm temperatures while some others prefer cooler temperatures to support its growth.
  • One of the most noteworthy points of orchids care would include that orchid can’t survive overwatering conditions. The watering conditions in an orchid would vary across the environment where it is growing, the kind of pot in which it has been grown and the type of mix.
  • Infected orchids can be taken care of the invasion of bugs and bacteria by taking out the infected plants and by moving them away from the good healthy ones. Spray preventatives over the foliage or some effective bactericide/fungicide. In case the plant doesn’t recover from this method, reporting might seem like a good idea, as the problem might then be in its roots.
How To Take Care Of Orchids

So, this was all about caring for one’s orchid plants. With more than 25,000 species and over 200,000 hybrids, orchids are quite popular as a flower species due to their ability to adapt and the longevity of their lifespan. If you are looking to gift your special someone with a beautiful bouquet of orchids online in India, then one can book the same over FlowerAura’s website.

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