
18 Types of Orchids - Just To Hit You with Beautiful Blooms

April 29, 2020
Types of Orchids

“Just as I wonder
whether it's going to die,
the orchid blossoms
and I can't explain why it
moves my heart, why such pleasure
comes from one small bud
on a long spindly stem, one
blood red gold flower
opening at mid-summer,
tiny, perfect in its hour.”

Sam Hamill

Orchids have been furnishing our lives beautifully with their eye-catchy blooms and soothing fragrance for a very very long time. And like many other flowering plants, there are various types of orchids on our planet.
Today we are bringing the 18 different types of orchids with a bit of information about them.
Do read till the end, there are some unique species too!

Phalaenopsis Orchids

The Phalaenopsis Orchids are also known as Moth Orchids. They prefer diffused lighting conditions and are also easy to grow.

Phalaenopsis Orchids

Cattleya Orchids

Cattleya Orchids are mostly used in corsages around the world. They prefer to have direct sunlight in mornings and love cooler environment at night.

Cattleya Orchids

Brassavola Orchids

Native to South America, Central America, and West Indies, Brassavola are greenish and white flowers along with narrow petals. Weekly watering is advisable if grown in a pot.

Brassavola Orchids

Cymbidium Orchid

Cymbidium orchids are commonly known as boat orchids and they can grow in drier and cooler conditions. They love to be exposed to medium and bright light.

Cymbidium Orchid

Epidendrum Orchids

This one is one of the most beautiful orchid species. Epidendrum orchids can grow from 6 inches to 6 feet. Require very bright light to bloom properly.

Epidendrum Orchids

Dendrobium Orchids

Due to its appearance and medium watering needs, Dendrobium orchids make a perfect house plant. This is also one of the easiest to grow orchid varieties.

Dendrobium Orchids

Catasetum Orchids

One interesting fact about Catasetum orchids is that they are bisexual which is rare among the varieties of orchids. Catasetum has waxy flowers which are highly attractive.

Catasetum Orchids

Cycnoches Orchids

Cycnoches are the relatives of Cattleya Orchids. Fact about Cycnoches is that up to 30 flowers can grow on a single stem during its lifetime.

Cycnoches Orchids

Cypripedium Orchids

Because of their large pouch-shaped flower petals, Cypripedium are known as Lady’s Slipper. They need a low watering during their flowering season.

Cypripedium Orchids

Vanda Orchids

Native to the Asian tropics, Vanda Orchids have pretty blooms. They do best if exposed to direct sunlight in the morning and shaded afterwards.

Vanda Orchids

Encyclia Orchids

With a height of 3 inches to 2 feet which depends on the species, Encyclia orchids can bloom for several months consecutively.

Encyclia Orchids

Intergeneric Orchids

This one is the hybrid type of orchid as it is created by cross-breeding of orchids from different genera. The watering and lighting need depend on the parent orchids.

Intergeneric Orchids

Paphiopedilum Orchids

Paphiopedilum Orchids are also known as Venus Slipper due to their shape. It can easily grow on trees and on cliffs in the pockets of humus.

Paphiopedilum Orchids

Ludisia Orchids

Among many different types of Orchids, Ludisia is the cutest one. And such is the beauty that it is also known as Jewel Orchid.

Ludisia Orchids

Lycaste Orchids

Some of the Lycaste Orchid species emit a unique and enticing scent. White, yellow, orange, green, red, and purple are the common colours of Lycaste.

Lycaste Orchids

Vuylstekeara Orchids

This orchid type is not a natural one as it is created in a lab by Charles Vuylsteke. It is also a hybrid of other orchid plants.

Vuylstekeara Orchids

Masdevallia Orchids

Masdevallia Orchid has an unconventional and unique flower shape. They love moisture, which should be as high as 70-100%.

Masdevallia Orchids

Maxillaria Orchids

They contain three separate lobes and beautiful, narrow leaves that perfectly complement the petals. Some of its species has showy types of orchid flowers.

Maxillaria Orchids

A bouquet of exotic orchids would be a perfect choice to surprise someone and to make them smile. You can easily buy different types of orchids online.

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