
What Are the Types of Jasmine(Chameli) Flowers?

October 26, 2021

Jasmine is considered sacred in India and has strong spiritual significance in the culture as it is considered a symbol of divine hope, good luck and optimism. In addition, different types of jasmine are given the status of the national flower in different countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines and Pakistan as it is said to represent respect, love and attachment to the state.

What Are the Types of Jasmine Flowers

In today’s blog, we will discuss the types of jasmine(Chameli) flowers

Winter jasmine

Jasminum nudiflorum or winter jasmine is one of the types of jasmine that has shrubs that reach 4 feet wide and 7 feet high. A really unique fact about winter jasmine is that, unlike other jasmine varieties that tend to have white flowers, this species produces bright yellow flowers. However, these jasmines are hardly fragrant. Winter jasmines are a popular choice for the off-season because they bloom in late winter and bring vibrancy to the garden when little else is in bloom. This type of jasmine is ideal for growing along wall borders or on trellises and arches. It can also be used to provide ground cover against soil erosion if it is grown in large patches near edges and slopes.

Winter jasmine

Star Jasmine

Star Jasmine or Trachelospermum jasminoides, as they are scientifically known, are very small in height (no more than 20 inches), combined with dense foliage, which makes it ideal for ground cover. It bears fragrant white flowers from late winter to early summer.

Star Jasmine

The common jasmine

It is the most widely grown jasmine in the world. It is a fast-growing semi-evergreen or deciduous climbing vine. It has pure white flowers. Other names for common jasmine are 'white jasmine,' 'summer jasmine,' and 'poet's jasmine. Typically, common jasmine begins flowering in late spring and continues until fall. The flowers on the plant grow in clusters and each beautiful flower has 5 petals. These clusters bear fragrant white flowers about 1" (2.5 cm) wide.

The common jasmine

Showy jasmine

This variety is a beautiful yellow colour instead of the more common white. The flowers grow on a fast-growing shrub, reaching up to four feet in height. As with most jasmine, the attractive jasmine flowers require full sun. These flowers can appear throughout spring and summer.

Showy jasmine

Night blooming jasmine

It is a member of the nightshade family. It is native to tropical America and the West Indies. This flower-bearing shrub has simple, oval-shaped leaves and clusters of small, pale white flowers with beautiful green leaves that appear each year from spring to fall. Night-blooming jasmine grows best in sunny and well-drained soil. This flower has a very strong aroma and is especially powerful at night. Its odour is powerful enough to cause a severe allergic reaction in some individuals. It has shiny smooth leaves about 4 to 8 inches long. This jasmine is relatively easy to care for but requires extra attention in cold climates.

Night blooming jasmine

Pink jasmine

The pink jasmine or multi-flowered jasmine is a spectacular Chinese species with multicoloured flowers. In fact, the buds are purplish pink, towards magenta. However, when the flowers open, they turn white. But they retain a pale pink "under shade". This makes them really amazing and unique. Needless to say, the mass bloomers are very fragrant – intoxicating too! It is a strong, evergreen twining vine. It grows fairly quickly and is common as a houseplant in the United States and Europe.

Pink jasmine

Angel Wing Jasmine (Chameli)

Angel Wing Jasmine is sometimes called Pinwheel Jasmine, Shining Jasmine or Star Jasmine. It is a climbing vine with distinctively shaped white flowers. The creamy white petals of these two-inch flowers resemble a starburst or pinwheel, though they have the same distinctive scent as common jasmine flowers.

Angel Wing Jasmine

Facts about Jasmine

  • Jasmine shrubs reach 10-15 feet in height, growing about 12-24 inches per year.
  • Jasmine leaves are either evergreen or deciduous.
  • In most species a jasmine leaf is arranged opposite. The leaf shape is simple with 5–9 leaflets, each up to two and a half inches long.
  • Jasmine flower oil extracted from two species, Jasminum officinale and grandiflorum, is used in a range of perfumes and cosmetics, such as creams, oils, soaps and shampoos.
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