
Types of Cactus

November 09, 2020

Native to the deserts and arid regions of the Americas, cacti are succulents at their best.

Cacti have structures called areolas, small cushioned shapes that grow branches, or hairs, which define their family of cactus species. Many people do not have isolates and are therefore classified into a separate kind of cactus family. While cacti are generally considered desert plants, they can also thrive in home environments.

Types of Cactus

Are you keen to learn more about these unique desert plants? Before you start growing these beautiful and amazing cacti plants, you need to know the different types of cacti that exist. Learn about the best types of cacti by reading our guide to different types of cactus

Barrel Cactus

The barrel cactus is a specific type of barrel-shaped cacti native to North and South America. The plants falling in this group are characterized by their ribbed, cylindrical shape. They come in different sizes, but they are all barrel-shaped. Barrel cactus usually require a lot of sunlight, but not much water. In fact, a barrel cactus can still survive and even with a watering session once every three months you can expose it to adequate lighting. Therefore, make sure you place the potted barrel cactus in the hottest room in your home and if you live in the northern hemisphere, you place it on the north-facing windows in the southern hemisphere or the east-facing windows.

Barrel Cactus

Saguaro Cactus

The Saguaro cactus, a permanent symbol of the Carnegie giant, actually grows in very high proportions in the southwest of the American desert. These origins of the Sonoran Desert of Mexico, California and Arizona can reach heights of up to 50 feet with a height of 10 feet. A Saguaro of that size, when watered well, weighs about 12,000 pounds. These giant cacti grow quite slowly. They often reach the age of 50 before first blooming, and 75 years before branches develop. Saguaros can live up to 200 years, anchored deep in rocky soils, where they can reach water below the soil surface. They provide nesting habitat and hunting leaflets for a diversity of birds, and pollen and nectar for insects and bats. Saguaro cacti also make excellent low-maintenance houseplants.

Saguaro Cactus

Star Cactus

Also known as starfish cactus or sea urchin cactus is a small plant, making it ideal for indoor succulent plants garden. A yellow or white flower is a show-stopper on this petite cactus.

Star Cactus

Christmas Cactus

Often confused with Thanksgiving cactus, the Christmas cactus blooms in late winter. It has bright and vibrant red flowers and is a perfect gift for the holiday season. The Christmas cactus performs well indoors, under moderate conditions. Avoid giving too much water as the roots will rot. This plant can adapt to low light environments but excel blossoms with more light.

Christmas Cactus

Moon Cactus

Also known as chin cactus, the moon cactus varies in shape, size, and color. A popular variety is Hibotan cactus. It originated in South America and comes in bright reds, pinks, yellow and orange. These small plants grow on the sides of the window that receive partial light.

Moon Cactus

Bunny Ears Cactus

Bunny ears cactus is also native to Mexico and grows well indoors. Some call it the Bunny Cactus, while others refer to it as the Angel Wings Cactus. This plant gives great thanks to its large green pad that resembles a rabbit's ear. However, like most cacti, the bunny cactus is slow growing and will take a few years to reach maximum height.

Bunny Ears Cactus

Cactus requires little care - it can also tolerate some neglect as some types only require watering every two to three months. They can last for decades, so black-thumbs among us can also succeed. So, these are some types of cactus plants that you can either grow home or order online. You will find a huge variety of cactus family online.

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