
Top 7 Most Famous Pastries in the World

September 15, 2020

Pastry is basically made from flour, fat, and water (or egg). These simple ingredients make something so delectable that the whole world is crazy for yummy pastries. Pastries come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, flavours, and textures. Don’t get the pastries confused with bread as pastries have higher fat content, which results in a flakier, crumbly texture. In different countries across the globe, different kinds of pastries are baked in different ways and that results in different taste and texture. We are here to shed light on all the different types of pastries. So, dive in below for some delicious pastries.

Pastry types

Empanadas, Spain

Best portrayed as small pockets with hot fillings, these are crescent shaped, flaky pastry batter pies found all through Latin America that are simple to bake, affordable, and yummy. The name of the dish comes from the Spanish empanar, which truly means breaded or covered with bread.


Krapfen, Austria

Krapfen was most likely the main European-style donut to show up, trailed by similar assortments in different nations. These delicious pastries are customarily baked with raised batter that is deeply fried until crispy and golden outside, while they stay delicate, light, and fluffy inside.


Eclair, France

These long pastries with an engaging coating, a fresh crispy texture, a yummy soft interior, and a sweet, creamy centre started in France at the start of the twentieth century. Most food researchers of history believe these pastries were designed by Marie-Antoine Careme, a popular French culinary expert. Eclairs (lightning (in French)) are believed to have gotten their name due to how the light would reflect off of them after a covering of the confectioner's coating.


Brioche, France

This delectable pastry is a French sort of viennoiserie, a combination of a bread and a pastry, with a high amount of milk, butter, and egg content that makes it soft, rich, and flaky. It has been delighted for quite a long time both as a delicacy and as a status symbol.


Baklava, Turkey

The special baklava is a delectable treat made with layers of thin phyllo batter entwined with chopped nuts, all splashed in a yummy, gooey syrup. The fame achieved by baklava has surpassed the nation and is now famous across the world.


Cannoli, Italy

These yummilicious, crispy fried tubes of pastry loaded up with delicious ricotta cheese cream are maybe one of Italy’s most popular sweets known across the globe. Cannoli are believed to have originated from Palermo during the ninth century, while Sicily of Italy was under Arab rule.


Croissant, France

These gold shaded, flaky, crescent looking pastries are best made with fresh and pure butter and a somewhat sweet yeast mixture. If baked properly, the yellow-white inside should be only a tiny elastic when pulled from the middle, good to be covered with a spoon of butter or fresh jam.


So, these were the different types of pastries across the world. You can try these and many more types of pastry cakes easily at home by ordering these from bakeries or by baking at home by following some Internet recipes.

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