
Top 10 Plants That Will Enhance the Appearance of Your Living Room

February 03, 2023

The living room is the most frequented room in a house. It sets the tone for the entire house. It should be comfortable, relaxing and welcoming. If you have guests over, it should be able to impress them.

While many items can be used to decorate your living room, plants are one of the best ways to add life to the room. Getting plants for the living room is the perfect way to add colour and beauty to the space. The following are ten plants that will enhance the appearance of your living room:

plants for living room

Bamboo Palm

Bamboo palm is a good choice for you if you want something tall and eye-catching in your living room. It is a tropical plant that grows in most indoor environments and requires little maintenance. It is one of the easiest plants to grow, requiring only indirect sunlight, regular watering and occasional fertilising.

bamboo palm

English Ivy

English ivy is another great plant that requires little maintenance. It grows quickly and works well as an accent piece in any room. English ivy also makes an excellent wall hanging or window box plant because it has trailing vines hanging from its pot.

English Ivy

Spider Plant

The spider plant is another popular houseplant that can be found in many homes today. This indoor plant has small white flowers and long, narrow leaves that resemble spiders' legs, giving it its name. The spider plant is easy to grow and maintain because it doesn't require a lot of sunlight or water. Just place it near a window with plenty of indirect light so that it receives at least some sunlight every day but not too much direct sunlight, which will burn its leaves. The spider plant needs only moderate amounts of water to thrive well indoors.

Spider Plant

Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe vera plants are easy to take care of and can be placed anywhere in the house because they don't need direct sunlight or water very often. Aloe vera plants are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, so if someone has a sunburn or any type of skin irritation, this plant can help reduce their pain.

Aloe Vera Plant

Ficus Tree

This plant is one of the best choices for those who want an indoor tree that doesn't require much sunlight or water. It is extremely easy to maintain and does not need extra care besides watering it occasionally. You can place them near windows or get them decorated with hanging pots so that it gets enough light from outside as well.

Ficus Tree


This is one of the most popular indoor plants, and it comes in wide varieties and sizes. It has heart-shaped leaves and can grow up to six feet tall. It's also easy to care for, so it's perfect for beginners or those who don't have much time for gardening activities.



Pothos has thick leaves with a variegated pattern that gives it interesting colouration. It's very easy to care for, so it's a good choice if you're new to having plants in the house or if you have trouble keeping them alive. Pothos can grow up to 6 feet tall, but it usually stays much shorter than that because it doesn't get enough light if it isn't near a window or if there aren't any other plants around that provide shade for it.


Chinese Evergreen

This plant is perfect if you want something that will not take up too much space or require much care. It's easy to grow, even if you don't have any gardening experience. It grows well in low light conditions and requires little water. The only thing you need to do is trim its leaves from time to time in order for it to look healthy and shiny again. You can order plants online and change the overall look of the room.

Chinese Evergreen

Peace Lily

The peace lily is a beautiful plant that comes in different shades of green and has long, narrow leaves. It is also known as Spathiphyllum and is native to tropical rainforests. Peace lilies are easy to care for, even if you're a beginner gardener with limited gardening experience. They don't need much water, yet they can be left alone for weeks without any problems. They are also very tolerant of low light conditions and will thrive in shady areas of your home or office.

peace lily

Norfolk Island Pine

Norfolk Island Pine is one of the most popular houseplants among homeowners. It has an attractive, evergreen appearance and can grow to be quite tall. This plant is also known as "the pineapple tree," although it is not a member of the pine family. The Norfolk Island Pine is a great choice if you want something that will enhance your living room's appearance.

Norfolk Insland Pine

Make your living room more elegant and lively with these plants.

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