
Top 10 Flowers For Attracting Bees

April 21, 2021

Do you know - Bees are crucial for a healthy environment and the survival of humankind? You might be happy with the dwindling population as they won’t sting you anymore, but their survival matters. Growing flowers that attract bees in higher numbers is something that can bring back the buzz of bees in the environment. You know bees pollinate around 75 per cent to 85 per cent of the food crops humans consume.

Top 10 Flowers For Attracting Bees

Another reason for the extinction of this habitat is because they do not get to feed as needed. Because of the pesticides sprayed on the crops, their food supply chain is severely affected. If you want to help bees, then building a bee-friendly garden that provides enough nectar will act as the perfect solution.

Before building a bee garden, make sure you avoid all kinds of chemicals, as bees are sensitive to them. Use organic, natural fertilisers as it won’t hurt the best garden hosts. And make a list of bees' favourite flowers that can grow perfectly well in your habitat. When you notice, colourful flowers like purple, white, yellow and blue attract bees. There, order such flowers online or purchase them from a nursery nearby.

To better understand flowers for attracting bees, we have curated 10 flowers that can help you grow a beautiful bee garden.

1) Bee Balm

This is one of the most favourite plants not only of bees but hummingbirds and butterflies too. When in the spring period, Bee balm provides aromatherapy with its fragrance, and its leaves can be used to prepare tea. This plant reseeds steadily, and bees love to be on this plant all the time. We kept Bee Balm first among the top 10 flowers for bees for a reason!

Bee Balm

2) Lavender

Lavender attracts bees like a magnet when blooming. This plant is left alone by deers and rabbits, but its fragrance attracts the bees. The critical factor in growing this plant is drained soil and direct sunlight. Its light silvery leaves make your winter garden look astonishing. Lavender is very productive, so you can also decorate your home with some of its branches; still, there will be many left for bees.


3) Crocus

Crocus is left alone by squirrels, which means these plants are reserved just for bees without being harmed. Cultivate these plants in bulk to experience a better impact on the bees and garden. You can grow them in full or partial sun, and it is okay for them. They are the early bloomers that provide nectar to bees.


4) Borage

Borage is a drought-tolerant flowering plant that makes your garden look outstanding with a peculiar shape and colour. It is a star-shaped plant that produces its seedlings often, making sure that it lasts long. Also, its cucumber-flavoured leaves can be eaten raw, sauteed or steamed. Bees love borage because they can hide them in its leaves.


5) Black-eyed Susan

Looking out for a honeybee favourite plant, then black-eyed Susan is the perfect choice for it. This cheerful addition can attract bees to its bright yellow colour with brown-centred flowers where bees enjoy sucking nectar. It can live for years, and you do not need to replant it anytime soon. Enjoy its presence in your bee garden and see how favourable it stands for bees.

Black-eyed Susan

6) Foxglove

If you have a shady space and moist soil, this plant is best for people like you. Grow them for 2 years continuously and see how they stay long for years by reseeding. This bell-shaped plant adds beauty in the late spring and early summertime. Rejoice every moment of the bees playing around Foxglove.


7) Chives

Your search for which flowers attract bees can also end in style and beauty with Chives. Because Chives are the early bloomers, they can provide the first nectar to bees after winter hiding. These plants are easy to grow, and their herbs are flavourful enough to be used for cooking. Chives can grow in any climate; therefore, it is one of the best choices for gardeners.


8) Coneflower

Coneflower is one of the main attractors of bees. As it blooms for a more extended period from mid-summer to fall, it provides nectar to bees for a longer time. Bees love this wildflower as bees also forage for the pollen produced by plants. Coneflower is a beautiful pick to beautify your space and attract the bees.


9) Grape Hyacinth

Grape Hyacinth looks like small bulbs which beautify your garden with its blue colour and fragrance, naturally attracting the bees. Its name is because it resembles grapes, and it is full of sweet nectar and pollen for bees. These tiny blue blooms are one of the most considered plants by everyone.

Grape Hyacinth

10) Salvia

One of the significant reasons to like Salvia is it comes in different colours like purple, blue and red and it is easy to find which works best for your garden. All kinds of Salvia, perennial or annual, attract bees and work favourably for them and your garden also.



If you wish to grow an ideal habitat for bees, these flowering plants might help you and them be in a better place. Bees might be a little dangerous, but their survival is essential for the human race. You can choose to grow all the flowers that attract bees, as mentioned above or find the perfect one according to the environment in your area. It’s better we all try to save them by creating a paragon place for their survival.

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