
Sustainable Practices That We Should Inculcate For A Greener Tomorrow

April 17, 2023
Sustainable Practices That We Should Inculcate For A Greener Tomorrow

The wildlife we admire and the air we breathe, the lush greenery of forests, and the blue sky that gives us glee- will tomorrow be the same for the generations to come, or is it only the impending doom we all see?

As we approach International Earth Day 2023, we stand at a point where we can no longer keep our eyes shut to the warning signs from the environment. It is high time we reflect on the state of Mother Earth, as no matter how miraculous or resilient our planet is, it is pleading for a change to happen. The kind of change that will steer the future from a barren land with depleted resources to a greener tomorrow.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

We all should recognise the importance of our collective strength in conserving the environment. And the power we have to inspire others through our actions and sustainable practices. So, let's make this year different by going beyond the Whatsapp greetings and Facebook posts and making this our Earth Day Pledge: to join hands on this mission of preserving our home, the Earth.

To get you started and to save you from information overwhelm, we have jotted down a few things you can do for the Earth at an individualistic level. So, by the end of this, you will have at least one pointer in your arsenal, if not more, in this battle against climate change.

Food for Thought: Sustainable Eating Habits

What does your plate look like at the end of a meal? What happens to the food scraps in your kitchen? How much of the produce in your fridge gets thrown out at the end of the week?

Food for Thought: Sustainable Eating Habits

The answers to these questions are important because food waste contributes massively to greenhouse emissions and, thus, environmental degradation. Be it the excess food we fill our plates with due to our habits or the unnecessary food packages that end up in our carts due to a sale; there is much that we can do to reduce the harm to our planet. Instead, doing meal planning can filter our purchases, and composting can put our food waste to better use. Hence, you can imbibe these in your daily life as your way of showing up for the Earth.

Dress to Impress the Earth: Sustainable Fashion Choices

A closer peek at your closet can give you a glimpse of something more than just the clothes you own! And that mirror beside it might highlight your beauty at the moment while decked in all of your clothes, but it fails to reflect our planet's ugly state.

Dress to Impress the Earth: Sustainable Fashion Choices

We are all aware of the perils of fast fashion and overconsumption in this day and age. But, somehow, end up looking the other way despite the damage it causes. While it can be challenging to become a minimalist all at once or to leave your fashion days behind, there are a few small things we all can do. This includes buying clothes for the long run, donating the pieces we don't use anymore, shopping for clothes in sustainable fabrics like organic cotton, and keeping the tradition of repairing clothes alive.

Less is More: Conscious Consumption

Our inclination towards reckless consumption over conscious one is often due to our dislike of making uncomfortable choices. It ultimately boils down to this only! So, let that sink in!

Less is More: Conscious Consumption

Otherwise, why would we prefer buying a water bottle at a shop only to throw it away later when we can carry one from home? This is the kind of purchase we would need to limit in our daily life by becoming conscious of its impact. Instead, choose reusable products like canvas bags for shopping, stick with your electronics longer rather than buying a new one each year, reduce the duration for which you take showers, and more. Basically, you should try and steer clear from buying one-time-use plastics and disposable items.

Clean & Green: Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips

A cleaner house doesn't have to come at the cost of a healthier environment!

Clean & Green: Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips

Many cleaning products have volatile compounds that pollute the air. Their improper disposal then pollutes water bodies. All of this creates a vicious cycle, and we can choose to opt out of this. By making use of baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar as cleaning products, you can contribute positively to environmental conservation. You can also ditch the overuse of paper towels and add cleaning cloths to your collection.

Green Thumbs Up: Sustainable Gardening

Did you know that gardening can also be non-sustainable? And that many of us are guilty of doing just that!

Green Thumbs Up: Sustainable Gardening

Using chemical fertilizers and pesticides actually does more damage to the environment than the benefits it brings to your plants. So, if you have a garden brimming with lush greenery, then be mindful of water wastage and use natural or organic fertilizers and pesticides.

Such sustainable practices might seem insignificant, but they have a far-reaching positive impact. Hence, see them as a way of life rather than mere earth day activities for adults to do once a year.



As the saying goes, 'change begins at home'! So, we must do our part to bring a favourable shift in the environmental landscape. After all, every small change, whether rethinking our consumption patterns or reducing our waste, can greatly improve the environment's health. This planet belongs to everyone, and our actions can swerve the direction in which it is heading. One choice will lead us to a better future and the other to a depleted planet. So, it's up to us to make the right decision, take action, and protect the Earth and all we possess.

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