Steps FlowerAura has Taken During Corona for Employees
Coronavirus, the pandemic, has become an invisible terrorist against which the whole world is fighting together. The virus is now spread over 199 countries so far, claiming more than 31000 lives and the numbers are still counting. But countries are taking impactful measures now, and we hope that mankind will soon be able to defeat the outbreak. The world economy is struggling real hard as most countries have implemented a complete lockdown. Businesses, offices, shops, malls, and everything has come to a stop. But we all know what's important right now. The economy will rise again, and mankind will rise again, everything will be back on the counts, just a few days of control. Our organization, FlowerAura, is also keeping up with the regulations that our government has issued to counter Coronavirus. And in this current scenario, FlowerAura is taking care of its most valuable assets - employees.

Here are the steps that are taken for employee welfare:
Work From Home
Almost all the departments such as marketing, tech, and accounts have been regulated to work from home. And the employees are provided with every help to assure swift commencement of the work. Also, all the employees working from home have been told to take immediate action if they notice any kind of illness related to coronavirus symptoms keeping the work second and health first on priority chart.

Paid Leaves
As our government officials are asking again and again to all the employers not to cut down the salaries, we have taken a step ahead giving paid leaves to the employees who are engaged in such work which can only be done from office premises. We have also outlined a plan to allocate paid leaves to those who are in emergencies. FlowerAura promises not to let their employees suffer a financial crisis.

Online Attendance System
To ensure there is no physical contact between staff members, we have replaced our fingerprint scanning attendance system with GPS based application. Now all the employees can mark their attendance through their mobile phones/laptops. By doing this, we are minimizing the risk of getting infected as coronavirus symptoms occur after 14 days in most cases. It means that even if there is an employee who is unaware of getting infected, he/she won’t be spreading it.

Office Premises are Sanitized
Our office premises are being sanitized every two days from corner to corner. And experts are hired for the same. Every equipment, gadgets, chairs, and any other thing on which the virus can survive for long is sanitized with recommended alcohol-based sanitizers. We have also placed hand-sanitizers inside office premises to ensure utmost safety against the virus.

Prohibition on Sharing Personal Properties
Management has imposed a total prohibition on employees to share any personal properties such as water bottles, utensils, cigarettes etc. amongst each other. Coronavirus spread rapidly through physical contact as well as getting in touch with objects which were used by an infected person. Even employees are asked not to share their laptops unless necessary (that too after sanitizing precisely).

We have advised all the employees to keep washing their hands thoroughly with a decent hand wash after regular intervals. Employees working within the premises are supervised to wash their hands after every 60 minutes as recommended by the doctors. Workers are provided with face masks and it is made mandatory to have the masks on every time while working. Not just the masks, gloves are also made mandatory.

Over and above, emailers are being sent to keep the employees motivated for work. And to follow the guidelines issued by the government. Social Distancing is also being practised within the premises. In the worst case, if any employee will be found infected, management will be the first one to take care of that.