
With special DIY 1st Anniversary gift, Make Your Spouse Feel Adored

August 22, 2018

Congratulation on your first year of marriage! You have spent one complete year of a successful relationship and have faced all the ups and downs together and this one full year has made your bond even stronger. As you already know the fact that the first anniversary is  also known as the paper anniversary, meaning you and your lovely spouse should exchange paper gifts. Paper may seem like a very simple material but it can have a very significant amount of value when you put your time and love into a special paper- made personalized gift. On this occasion of first marriage anniversary of your life, surprise your dear husband or wife with a thoughtful and unique anniversary present that will celebrate your love and sacred union for a lifetime. Now, this post gives you the ideas of 12 DIY paper anniversary gifts!

1st Anniversary Gifts for Couples

1.Tissue Paper Home Decoration:

That special and magical moment when you step into your sweet home and you get to see a nice and heart touching surprise is waiting for you is one of the best things about sharing your life with your life partner. You can actually create that magical moment for your spouse by making an incredible paper decoration.

Tissue Paper Gift for Home Decoration

2.Paper Birds

Birds have a strong symbolism when it comes to celebrating a wedding or marriage anniversary. The birds represent freedom, peace and ever-lasting love. In many wedding rituals, white doves are released into the sky as a part of the wedding ceremony. You can simply create a white paper bird as your first-anniversary gift to signify that your love is truly meant to last forever.

Beautiful Birds Made of Paper

3.Paper Gold With A Handmade Envelop

If you are planning to gift a gold jewelry item for your partner as a first wedding anniversary gift, buying a paper gold from a financial institute would be a great idea. The best part of this paper-made gold is that it gives you the real-time value of pure gold at the time of selling. Buying a paper gold gift could be a nice future investment for your dear spouse. You should put this paper gold into a beautiful paper made envelope created by you. This handmade special paper envelops will definitely make this gift more personalized.

Paper Gold with A Handmade Envelop

4.Papermade Origami Love Work Of Art:

Yes, a lot of people would say that a red colored gift is a cheesy gift but always remember one thing that a red colored heart is a very traditional gift and it always has a very clear and understood message of love. It’s your 1st marriage anniversary and it’s definitely a very special day of your life and when it comes to celebrating this special day, nothing could be a better heart delighting gift than this red 3D paper made Origami heart.

3D Papermade Origami Love Work of Art

5.Golden Paper Feathers:

If your partner has always the eyes for something aesthetically pleasing and gorgeous decor items, they will surely be able to appreciate these golden paper feathers. This paper made a gift always has a luxurious appeal.

Golden Paper Feathers

6.Wax Paper Lanterns:

No wonder lanterns are incredibly romantic. A nice lantern cake the entire ambiance magical. If you search online, you will find a lot of information on making paper lanterns.

Wax Paper Lanterns

Now you might have gotten the idea about making your 1st wedding anniversary or paper anniversary with a very special paper gift and it’s time to implement one of these gift ideas in a perfect manner.

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