
Ideas That Can Spark Romance in Your Anniversary Celebration

August 26, 2019

When you are in love and together, time flies surprisingly quick! Crossing a milestone together would always call for celebration. But, as your relationship tends to get stale over the years due to new responsibilities, knocking you now and then, people seem to quit the idea for celebrating their anniversary. Rather, the couple seems to spend it just like any other day, which is wrong. Every healthy relationship would require some quality time spending and cherishing the good, old times together while looking forward to spending the rest of their lives together. And, celebrating an anniversary is an untold condition to establish a healthy relationship.

couples celebrating their anniversary

Now, the question arises what can be done to rekindle the romance in the anniversary celebration, that used to exist when the couple had entered their dating phrase, recently. So, here we are, with some of the creative ideas that you have yearned for, over the years.

1. Bring back those dates

There is possibly no better gift bigger in value than the gift of nostalgia! Take your partner back to your first meet up spot which eventually changed both of your lives together. Show him/her that regardless of all the changes around, your love is permanent and shall be till eternity.

dating together

2. Rejuvenating Spa Or Salon Day

It’s time to take a break from your regular life and do something fun, just for you both. Amidst the rush and roar of the daily schedules, people often tend to forget that everything needs its bit of maintenance. So, does your body and soul! You will be amazed by the pleasure of massages and would appreciate all the salon pamperings. Take a break from your household or office chores and indulge in an enjoyable experience of being taken care of.

couples taking a spa

3. Spend a day like a couple and not like a hubby-wifey

Remember those old courtship days when meeting your now spouse was no less than telling 100 lies a day? So, the plan now is to relive those days by escaping the ordinary. Book a sophisticated hotel somewhere at the outskirts of the city, so far to just move away from a day’s responsibilities. Spend some quality time over a glass of wine, take some romantic walks together in and around the campus and make some good memories together.

couples spending some good memories together

4. Hit The Highway Together

Spontaneous road trips always sounds like a plan. If both of you are stricken with a wanderlust feeling, then planning a short road trip around your anniversary time can do wonders in sparking up the romance factor. The trick is to make sure it is unplanned because the planned road trips are often not executed.

short road trip

5. Concert or a Theatre Day

If music or theatre binds you both, then spending your anniversary together enjoying one such day could turn out to be perfect. Choose a particular day, time and venue by booking the tickets. Also, make sure that it matches both of your tastes. You won’t believe in the power of music, bringing you both closer than ever till the time you witness it on your own.

concert or a theatre day

6. Have A Gala Time Over Hobby Time

Hobbies are generally easier to be nurtured when one is younger. Once we grow up and our work commitments tend to clash with these hobbies, we tend to give up on them. But, humans tend to fall for each other because of these creative elements and once these elements have disappeared, it feels like the other person has turned into someone different. So, anniversary time is like the best possible time to nurture and encourage those talents of each other. Spend time doing what interests you the most - like for some people, it is watching movies, while for some others, it is playing a musical instrument seems to give a sense of fun and freedom.

playing a musical instrument

Anniversaries are like an occasion to make things right. So, make sure to get it right, order anniversary gifts for wife so that you are acknowledged for your efforts.

A Pro Tip:While prepping up for the celebration, make sure you emphasize on the “us” factor. Rather, than achieving the “I” (selfish) factor!

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