
Top 11 Small Indoor Plants for Home Decor

March 13, 2020

A few things can take your home decor to the next level like a bookshelf, a bar cart and definitely some beautiful small indoor plants. The plants will add up colours to the house interior and will also improve your gardening skills. A lot of people keep tiny indoor plants to purify the air around in the house and to also attract positive vibes. Well, whatever may be the reason, we all can agree upon that plants bring freshness and their natural beauty brings smiles on the faces. Below we have listed some of the best small plants for home decor. Bring these to your home, and you’ll start reaping all the healthy benefits.

Small Indoor Plants for Home Decor

1. ZZ Plant

Zamioculcas zamiifolia develop tall and considerable to establish a splendid view in any room. They're low-maintenance plants that prefer indirect light and modest quantities of plant food. Place it near a TV or on the centre table for a great view.

ZZ Plant

2. Anthurium Plant

A popular plant, known for its waxy, heart-shaped blossoms with a noticeable stamen in the centre, this plant should be watered once in a couple of days along with occasional fertilizing, making it not much low-maintenance plant.

Anthurium Plant

3. Aloe Vera Plant

Other than being a famous plant in skincare items, Aloe plants are likewise amazingly simple to keep alive. Plant these strong, attractive ornamentals in cactus soil and place in a bright zone for best outcomes.

Aloe Vera Plant

4. Pothos Plant

It is one of the pretty indoor plants, and there are a lot of good reasons to get this plant straight away in your home. The other name of this plant “Devil’s Ivy” comes from its “impossible to kill” nature. Place this lucky plant in indirect light and water it when dry.

Pothos Plant

5. Peace Lily Plant

Mostly blossoming plants are hard to maintain, however, certain lilies in the Spathiphyllum family (the peace lily genus) are on the more easy-going side. Peace lilies do best in low and indirect sunlight and require less watering.

Peace Lily Plant

6. Donkey Tail Plant

Sedum morganianum is a brilliantly novel flowering succulent that fits itself to charming planters. The plant requires regular watering and bright direct light. Place the plant above showpieces or in hanging planters.

Donkey Tail Plant

7. Jade Plant

Jade plants (Crassula ovata) are a particularly intriguing succulent because of its remarkable shrubbery like structure that makes it appropriate to trim as indoor bonsai plants. Furthermore, under the correct conditions, you may even observe pink blooming blooms!

Jade Plant

8. Bunny Ear Cactus

Known for their flat shape and fluffy looking thorns, Opuntia microdasys looks wonderful but requires caution while maintaining. In case you're searching for a low-upkeep plant to improve a desert-themed decor, this is the one to go with.

Bunny Ear Cactus

9. Heartleaf Philodendron Plant

Here's another houseplant adored for its actual toughness. Philodendron hederaceum works great as a hanging plant, or you can include a trellis and make the most of its potential as a climber. Keep away from direct sunlight and keep the soil lightly moistened.

Heartleaf Philodendron Plant

10. Snake Plant

The snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue, goes by the scientific name Sansevieria Laurentii, is a strong and amazing plant with high contrast banding. These plants become rather tall and look extraordinary on low tables.

Snake Plant

11. Chinese Water Bamboo Plant

Dracaena sanderiana develop without the requirement for soil - basically placed in water like a flower. You can even include some river rocks or beautiful shells to match your stylistic theme!

Chinese Water Bamboo Plant

So, these are the top eleven small indoor plants low light that you can bring home. These beautiful plants for home will surely light up your indoor space and will turn your house into an oxygen villa as well! Happy planting!

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