Pranks To Do On Your Brother or Sibling
Truth be told, being with siblings at all times and having a bond that is a treat to sore eyes seems like a dream. Coming from a lot of experience we have never come across people who say they love their siblings on their faces. Behind the back, although they may be the coolest people to have who always know the best thing for their brothers or sisters and may love them with all their heart too. But when push comes to shove they always put on their guards from confessing to their sibling that they love them immensely. And This is why it only seems fair and kinky to talk about pranks that can be pulled off on siblings especially when you are all up for putting a front of revenge and not so much love at all times. If you are thinking about the damage it causes, it's time to stop because with many festivals especially Raksha Bandhan coming up, rakhi gifts for brother and sister will do the damage control. So if you can't keep calm and your nerves are tingling waiting for pranks to do on your brother or sibling then don't wait much longer and read the below-written ideas. Any advice would be to be prepared with rakhi hampers for them to save you last minute because you don't want any trouble backfiring at you big time, do you?

Ice in t-shirt and back pocket
Sitting in front of guests, friends and other people where your brother would like to look presentable, you have a golden opportunity to embarrass him by silently slipping some ice inside his t-shirt or back pocket. Not only will he be all wet and embarrassed but the cold will be unbearable and him not being able to react to the situation will be hilarious. After the pranks for brother although you would like to sit with an elder so that he does not do the same to you anytime soon.

Presents with bombs
It's the longest-running brother-sister pranks which makes it so much more unpredictable. Your brother will never be able to imagine that you will pull off the oldest trick from the book on him. Simply get a present that is usually a closed box and when you open it an animal or a bomb with black smoke is most likely to come out. You can buy it online easily and remember to open it only when your brother is on the other end, you don't want to fall prey to your own web.
Empty boxes of gifts
Wrap a number of boxes all inside one another and let him feel the excitement of opening one each time only to know that it is empty and the surprise lies deeper. The pranks to do on your brother have to be extremely exciting and on point and this one is right. Make at least five such boxes, keep one inside the other, and have a facial expression that says a big lively surprise is on the way. Try to have a real present for him after he is done with it and possibly upset with not getting a gift he deserved.
Ghost pranks
If your brother is little he is more likely to fall prey to these pranks for brother for which all you have to do is arrange a situation that is dark, has a lot of connections to how we imagine ghosts to be and let him be alone with it. The intensity depends on your ability to leave your brother alone and it can be from locking him in a room to keeping the house open to run in different directions. After you are done with this remember to be around him if things start to unravel and have a nice present ready for him too.

Mum knows about it prank
Siblings tend to have a lot of secrets between each other and it is always a precious moment when one of them holds their breath and keeps this information to themselves. Although it is the thing that helps you get your sibling right where you want when you can warm them for telling the secret to mommy. Although if it's about pranks for siblings you can take it a notch higher and tell your partner that your mom knows about the one thing they are trying to keep to themselves. And it's better if they confess to mom now. And just as they start to mumble words to your mom to get out of the situation hold them there and don't let the prank go further and if not be the devil and let them confess it all.