
10 Powerful Medicinal Plants You Must Have At Home

March 16, 2020

Plants had offered medicinal value way before we began having a recorded history. In fact, the base of many conventional medicines of today is derived from plants. For example, cinchona bark is used to make medicines that fight malaria. In India, apart from Ayurvedic medications, plants are the richest source of compounds for nearly 70% of modern medicines.

Powerful Medicinal Plants You Must Have At Home

It is safe to say that utilizing plants for medicinal purposes is not an unusual idea. India has the richest tradition of plant-medicines with significant contemporary relevance. With nearly one-fifth of the plants in India were put to pharmaceutical use, there are various plants available just around the corner whose effectiveness, availability and cost can be safely vouched for. Know 10 most powerful medicinal plants to grow at home with tremendous healing benefits:

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has been termed as the ‘Plant of Immortality’ by early Egyptians. The ‘Miracle Plant’ is an effective medicinal plant which can be grown at home and has ‘heal-anything’ trait. It can be sought for therapeutic as well as beauty resolutions. Some uses for Aloe Vera are stated as under:

  • It cures damaged, inflamed skin and sunburn
  • It relieves from digestive disorders like ulcerative colitis
  • It cures chronic constipation
  • It lowers blood sugar levels
  • It reduces dental plaque
Aloe Vera

2. LemonGrass

Lemongrass is an aromatic tropical perennial healing plant for home that has potential health benefits. In Ayurveda, it is called Bhuslrina. Some of the benefits of the plant are below:

  • It fights against respiratory issues like laryngitis and sore throat
  • It has potent anticancer abilities and is used as an adjuvant therapy along with chemotherapy.
  • Lemongrass is used as detox tea to reduce weight
  • It reduces abdominal pain, headaches etc
  • It controls fever due to its antipyretic properties

3. Fenugreek

Fenugreek or methi is commonly used in Indian curries and is often taken as a supplement because of its impressive health benefits. This easy growing medicinal plant for home has a slightly sweet, nutty taste. Some benefits of the plant are:

  • It helps drain off sweat ducts
  • It cures poor digestion
  • It relieves from painful menstruation
  • It cures bad breath
  • It relieves from inflammation, upset stomach, ulcers and indigestion

4. Rosemary

The woody perennial herb is one of the most esteemed culinary and medicinal plants for a home garden. It is often used in sauces, soups and stuffings. Some uses of this healing medicinal plant are:

  • It boosts the immune system and improves blood circulation
  • It treats indigestion
  • It sharpens memory and improves concentration
  • It is a stimulating alternative to caffeine
  • It prevents brain damage due to the presence of carnosic acid

5. Peppermint

Peppermint is an Ayurvedic medicinal herb that can be easily grown at home. It is known as a cooling carminative and is often associated with freshness and taste. Some benefits of the plant are:

  • It reduces irritable bowel syndrome
  • It alleviates chronic pain associated with arthritis and migraine
  • It has salicylic acid that is used to treat acne
  • It boosts the immune system which improves body strength and vitality
  • It lowers blood pressure and relieves from hypertension

6. Thyme

Thyme is an aromatic perennial plant known for its strong antiseptic nature. However, it also has culinary and ornamental uses. Some benefits of growing this medicinal plant at home are:

  • It aids in chest and respiratory problems like chest congestion, bronchitis and cough
  • It boosts immunity as it is a good source of manganese, iron, fibre, copper etc
  • It can be used as a disinfectant against air pollutants due to its fungicidal properties
  • It helps reduce cholesterol and blood pressure
  • It promotes overall wellbeing of digestive tracts due to the active compound, thymol

7. Lavender

The plant is famous for its sweet smell and beautiful flowers. The oil derived from lavender has many medicinal properties. Some uses of this healing medicinal plant for growing at home are:

  • It is a mild anti-depressant and relieves from stress and anxiety
  • The flowers can be used in salads, lemonades, butter etc. in small doses
  • Lavender oil helps combat antifungal resistant infections
  • It accelerates the wound healing process
  • Lavender oil controls hair loss

8. Tulsi

Tulsi is one of the most powerful medicinal plants in India for your home garden. Basil or tulsi has many medicinal applications and has also been mentioned in Ayurvedic texts as ‘Queen of Herbs’. Some uses of Tulsi are:

  • It helps relieve from cold, fever, cough, congestion, sore throat and bronchitis
  • It cures gastrointestinal disorders like ulcers, menstrual cramp, vomiting, indigestion etc
  • It lowers blood pressure and reduces stress and controls cholesterol by regulating cortisol levels.
  • It improves eyesight due to the presence of beta-carotene
  • Tulsi oil is used as an insect repellant

8. Ginger

Ginger is being used for thousands of years due to its healing properties. Ginger is a flowering plant. Incredible health advantages stated as under:

  • It reduces the risk of blood clotting
  • It treats motion sickness and nausea
  • It treats gastrointestinal issues and boosts metabolism
  • It eases cold and flu
  • It lowers the risk of cancer

9. Marigold

Marigold is very valuable and one of the most common medicinal plants to be grown at home. It is not just an ornamental plant, but the flowering head possesses healing properties as under:

  • It relieves arthritis pain
  • It is used in ointments to soothe burns, stings, bites and inflammation
  • It lowers the symptoms of inflammatory bowel
  • The antibacterial, antifungal properties soothe from eye infections, inflammations and conjunctivitis
  • It relieves from hemorrhoid pain

With these easy to grow medicinal plants at home, bring good health and immunity to your family and yourself with their right use.

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