
Poisonous Plants To Protect Your Pets From

September 01, 2021

Plants are one of the most beautiful ways to not only beautify but also smartify your home. They not only add an element of greenery to your living space but also purify the air around you which is a great benefit to have. You must count yourself lucky if you are surrounded by plants because plants have a lot of positive impacts on your mind, soul, heart, and body. There are great options available if you're looking to buy Online Plants. However, if you live with pets like cats and dogs, you might want to research the plants inside and around your house. This is because there are some plants poisonous to cats and some trees poisonous to dogs. You don't want your darling pets to suffer because they unknowingly licked or sniffed a poisonous plant. So, here are some poisonous plants that you must protect your pets from.

Poisonous Plants To Protect Your Pets From


If you want your cats to live a long and happy life, keep them away from the daylily plant. They are among the plants toxic to cats. If your cat happens to ingest any part of the plant, he or she might be at risk of kidney failure. Even a small portion of the plant can turn out to be deadly for your cat. So, keep him or her away from the daylily.



If you are of the thought that potatoes are harmless to your pets in any shape or form, it is time to change that opinion for good. Potatoes are among the plants dangerous to dogs. The potato itself and the green part of the plant are both dangerous upon ingestion when it comes to dogs.



Daffodils might be the first flowers to greet us during the pleasant season of spring but they are not as delightful as they seem when it comes to their inner chemistry. Daffodils are poisonous plants for dogs and other pets as well. It can cause breathing problems and vomiting in your pet if they ingest any part of the daffodil plant.



We all love the bold and bright bloom that the Chrysanthemum plant has to offer to us in the autumn. It is one of the most popular outdoor plants online. However, it is not the best for our pets. It can cause vomiting, breathing issues, depression, loss of motor skills, etc, if ingested by cats or dogs.


Lily of the Valley

As sweet as the name of this beautiful plant sounds, it is quite harmful to your pets. If your pet happens to ingest a part of the Lily of the Valley, their heart rate is adversely affected and they can undergo seizures and other gastrointestinal issues. You should keep not only your pets away from the Lily of the Valley, but also children. This is because the plant is poisonous enough to harm young children as well.

Lily of the Valley

Castor Bean

The plant of the well-loved castor oil might be something that we all enjoy seeing in the public parks because of its simply gorgeous foliage but we must avoid planting it at our own home at all costs. This is because the stems of the castor plant are toxic to our beloved pets.

Castor Bean

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