
Plants That Purify: Discovering Air-Cleansing Office Plants for Better Health

August 14, 2024

Having greenery in the workspace not only enhances the beauty and aesthetic of the place but also plays a vital role in making your employee's health better. So you must keep sufficient indoor plants in your office that purify the air and keep you away from pollutants. Opt for the best office desk plants from FlowerAura to improve the air quality and working environment of your office.

The Importance of Air Quality In The Office

Breathing in purified air is priceless, and this is one benefit of many to have a table plant in the office. Maintaining the air quality of the workplace minimizes your healthcare costs and HVAC electricity bills. It also keeps your employees away from chronic diseases and improves productivity. Several indoor desk plants for offices can help you achieve this. These plants require low maintenance and make your desk look more organized. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of air-purifying plants.

The Importance of Air Quality In The Office

Health And Productivity Of Employees

Poor air quality can lead to a myriad of health issues, such as asthma, respiratory problems, headaches, and fatigue. If people are exposed to poorly ventilated environments, they may feel suffocated or discomfort, and that will eventually lower their work performance. Thus, air quality within the office premises is directly linked to your employees' health, and it is not deniable that it affects productivity. To get rid of this situation, you must keep enough air-cleansing plants for office desks.

Reducing Sick Days And Leaves

Breathing in polluted air can make your employees fall sick, cause allergies, contaminate viruses and bacteria, or cause them to get infected. The employees may frequently be absent from work if there are no sources to purify the air. This can be cured by having enough air-circulating plants for the office table. Introducing office desk plants can help you to reduce the number of absenteeism and thus increase overall productivity.

Enhancing The Team’s Cognitive Function

Air quality affects not only your physical health but also your mental well-being, and that directly relates to your cognitive function. Several studies have concluded that high levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants affect your decision-making capabilities. So you must make your office space pollutant-free by adding small plants for the office desk. This will enhance the concentration of your teammates, and thus, productivity will be higher.

Employee Satisfaction And Retention

Employees are satisfied with their workspace if it has fresh air and a clean and green environment. This leads to employee retention, as they will stay and work with you for a long time. In short, investing in lucky plants for office desks is equal to investing in people who will be loyal for a long time. Thus, you can offer them a desirable workplace by having low-maintenance plants at their desks.

The Benefits Of Keeping Indoor Plants In Office

Introducing an indoor plant to your office comes with a lot of benefits, like a fresh environment and the well-being of colleagues. Being eye-pleasing and natural purifiers, indoor plants are also efficient in providing mindfulness during your office hours. Here are some quick benefits of buying lucky plants for office desks or indoor plants for your desk and your employee's accessible areas:

Benefits Of Keeping Indoor Plants In Office

  • Indoor plants for offices act as natural purifiers, absorbing carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants and releasing oxygen for breathing.
  • They reduce anxiety, stress, and fatigue and help you to calm down & relax.
  • Table top plants for offices take up less space. You also won’t get distracted and stay focussed on your work.
  • Indoor plants are good at absorbing sounds, so they reduce the noise in your workspace.
  • Indoor plants enhance the aesthetic appeal of the office, which results in attracting employees and clients.
  • It helps in team bonding when a group of people come together to raise a plant.
  • Stay compliant with legal laws by offering high-quality air quality at your workplace.
  • You can save good cost on healthcare treatment by keeping a pollutant-free office environment.
  • Top Air-Cleansing Plants For Your Office Environment

    From rubber plants to snake plants and peace lilies, incorporating these plants into your office space can significantly improve indoor air quality. Here are some top recommendations to elevate your office environment with top air-cleansing plants that beautify and purify the air you breathe.

    Air Cleaning Plant For Office

    Spider Plant: It is an excellent choice as it removes formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the working space and makes it pollutant-free.

    Peace Lily: It is known for filtering indoor pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

    Snake Plant: It is the perfect plant that removes formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene from the air, making it a breathable space.

    Rubber Plant: It can make the air healthy by removing formaldehyde from the office indoor environment.

    English Ivy: It is a good plant for getting rid of airborne toxins like formaldehyde and benzene and improving air quality at your office.

    Lucky Bamboo: Getting a bamboo plant for your office desk is effective in removing air toxins and helping you focus on work.

    Care Tips and Maintenance For Air-Purifying Office Plants

    Air-purifying plants in the office make your days better by providing mindfulness and productivity. Thus, ensure your air-purifying plants thrive in office space with these essential care and maintenance tips:

  • Place your table top plants near windows or areas that receive sufficient natural light.
  • You must water the indoor plants only when the soil is dry to the touch to avoid overwatering.
  • Place a humidifier in a water tray near or beneath your plant, as the level of humidity in offices is low.
  • Wipe the leaves gently with a damp cloth and prune them when you see dead or yellow leaves.
  • Put some insecticidal soap or take appropriate action to keep your plant safe from aphids, mealybugs, or spider mites.
  • Change the pot or rotate the plant container as and when needed so that it can grow to its full length freely from all sides.
  • Conclusion

    The right collection of office desk plants can keep your workplace purified and help your employees concentrate on their work. Thus, the above-recommended office plants will offer the same features by enhancing the aesthetic of the working table and place. So make sure to include them in your office.

    Browse through the awesome collections of low-maintenance office plants at FlowerAura and enjoy the benefits of a healthy and green environment around you.

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