
Spiritual Plants That Will Vibe With Your Inner Zen

December 24, 2020

Nature plays a vital role in healing, providing life, and forming a spiritual connection with all living beings. Plants are the essence of Mother Nature and carry the natural energy of Gaia within them. Humans have been using this energy since ancient times and the Chinese practice of feng shui includes strategically placing plants in certain spaces to reduce psychological stress. The living energy of plants naturally attracts positivity and offers a completely new sense of being. Inviting positive energy into your home improves your health, longevity, and happiness in life. Here are the top 10 spiritual plants that you can bring home to spread positivity and happiness.

Top 10 Spiritual Plants

1. Basil

Considered as a holy plant in India, the Basil plant is believed to have antioxidant properties that harness positive energy present in the environment and is preferred most among the spiritual healing house plants. The plant also brings luck and wealth and has a spiritual and healing effect on the atmosphere. Bring home this beautiful plant and feel the positivity around you in no time.


2. Aloe Vera

If you are looking for plants for spiritual protection, Aloe vera is yet another one of the magic plants that nature has gifted us. The extract of the plant has a wide range of healing properties that will definitely show if you place the plant in your zen room. The aloe vera plant thrives even under the hardest conditions as they are native to the deserts. Aloe vera can efficiently purify the air and bring protection to any space.

Aloe Vera

3. Sage

Sage has extraordinary cleansing properties that help in eliminating all the negative emotions including fear and anger from your space. If you are thinking about how you can attract positive energy in your home, get a sage plant, and feel its magic within days. The plant not only has numerous medicinal benefits but also stimulates the flow of positive energy into your home. Make sure to place the plant in a dry area with low humidity.


4. Mint

The smell of mint refreshes you and cools your senses within seconds, but besides being a culinary herb, the mint plant resists bad vibes from people around you and also helps in curing insomnia. The plant will help you find that sweet spot of meditation within yourself if you had a rough day. The fresh aroma of mint leaves helps calm your nerves and is believed to revive your hopes.


5. Vetiver

One of the best spiritual herbs, Vetiver is associated with mental healing for people plagued with trauma by grounding and increasing vital energy flow within. The plant not only cleanses one’s aura but also provides protection against the negativity of all kinds. The calming aroma of the Vetiver plant offers a relaxing sleep and also helps in keeping bugs and rats away.


6. Lavender

Lavender is a beautiful plant that is believed to eliminate toxins, reduce stress levels, induce relaxation, and manage blood pressure. The plant is also used to alleviate depression and is counted among the best spiritual plants. Induce happiness and relaxation in your life with this amazing aromatic plant. Lavender also helps in eliminating negative energy and promotes healing.


7. Jasmine

An intense mood enhancer, you can form a beautiful arcade at your entry gate or a curtain on your wall with this plant. Jasmine is believed to intensify love among couples and also offers inner peace and purity. The plant blooms beautiful flowers that attract positive energy and bring all sorts of positive aura into your place.


8. Thyme

One of the indoor plants that bring good luck and fights negative energy around you is Thyme. The plant is known for bringing health and vigor into the house and also helps in countering nightmares. The plant repels insects and cleans the aura indoors.


9. Rosemary

Also known as a plant of purification, the Rosemary plant also has powers that repel negative energy. Keep your home away from harmful toxins, and promote both physical and mental health by keeping this plant indoors. The fragrance of the plant is adequate to enhance the mood of your home, fight anxiety, improve memory, heal insomnia, and bring inner peace. You must keep it at a place that has bright colours and a cool temperature.


10. Bamboo

Also popular as lucky bamboo, this plant brings luck, health as well as love. This low-maintenance plant can be kept in any corner of the room and requires gentle or very low lighting. However, make sure that you keep it submerged in at least one inch of freshwater. A symbol of wealth and good fortune, this is the plant that you must get if you are thinking about how to attract positive energy at home.


11. Peace Lily

Peace Lily, as the name suggests, is all about tranquility. Keeping this charming plant would not only help you increase the flow of positive energy but also purify the air. Also, did you know that Peace Lily helps reduce headaches? All you need to do is, place it in a nice corner in your house with low light.

Peace Lily

12. Chinese Money Plant

Chinese Money Plant is an exotic indoor plant which also goes by the name 'Silver Money'. It has unique round shaped leaves that add to the fun element of your house. Chinese Money Plant has the power of helping people with anxiety. However, you must always keep your Chinese Money Plant in a corner from where it cannot catch direct sunlight.

Chinese Money Plant

13. Jade Plant

Jade plants bloom the prettiest pink flowers and are a great addition to your home garden if you are looking for a low-maintenance positive plant. It carries the power of uplifting your mood by decreasing your stress levels. You should also keep your Jade Plant at either the entrance or the back door.

Jade Plant

14. Calatheas

Calatheas is a treat to the eyes. It not only makes for a beautiful centerpiece but also is full of goodness. The most interesting fact about this plant is that it closes its leaves at night and opens them in the morning. It is believed that Calatheas absorbs the negative energies from the atmosphere and transforms them into positive ones.


15. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is one of the most positive plants to be around. It acts as activated charcoal for any sort of negativity around it. You can expect your eucalyptus to kill all the negative vibes around it and promote a positive aura. What's more, is that this plant aids in the finance department as well. So, place a eucalyptus in your house and let it handle all the negative energies for you.


Feel happier, healthier, and wealthier by livening your interiors with these top 10 spiritual plants that will truly prove to be magical.

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