
Top 10 Low Maintenance Plants

December 18, 2020

Looking for a way to add fresh air, bring nature close or in your home? Plants might just be the solution you were searching for! Plants play a crucial role in our life that no other creation can replace. They have a variety of benefits, including mental and physical health, low-cost decor, and little maintenance. But not all plants are the same, some require regular maintenance, and if you happen to travel a lot or are quite busy, it may seem like a bad idea having plants around. Things can quickly go from all green and rossy to dried plants and leaves all of a sudden if you are not around to tend to these delicate species. With that in mind, it is important to have low maintenance indoor plants that thrive with only regular care and watering. In this post, we share 10 low maintenance plants. Read on.

Top 10 Low Maintenance Plants

Spider Plant

If your balcony has a spot where you can hang plants, then the spider plant is the perfect fit for this setup. You can keep the plant upright or upside down in hanging vases, and the plant will just make your space look awesome. It’s a low maintenance houseplant that also gives you high amounts of oxygen. In addition, the plant also purifies your indoor air from toxins such as formaldehyde and xylene. Be it a sunny, indirect sun, or shady spot the plant thrives. And you can water the plant in 2 to 3 days.

Spider Plant

Peace Lily

As the name imposes the peace Lily plants are a symbol of peace and tranquillity. So why not bring this charm to your home. Under even temperature conditions the plant can give you beautiful blooms throughout the year. Studies conducted by NASA show that it is one of the best air-purifying plants. You can place it in your bathroom or even in a dark room, and the plant will always thrive.

Peace Lily

Snake Plant

Also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, the snake plant species are easy indoor plants. It clears toxins such as toluene, xylene, benzene, and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It requires minimal attention and water and thrives in rooms with low sunlight. In addition, it also produces oxygen even at night.

Snake Plant

Lucky Bamboo

As luck has it, the Bamboo tree possesses great lucky charms as well as the capability to adapt in any homely environment. It can be grown in soil and water and still thrive without a change in their growth behaviour. But when you are growing the plants in water, make sure to put fresh water after 2 weeks.

Lucky Bamboo

Aloe Vera

Coupled with many health benefits, the Aloe Vera is one of the easy to maintain plants you can have. You can easily relieve pain from wounds by extracting gel from the plant and paste on the affected area. It also helps skin and hair glow and some of the uses you can find in your daily use essentials. You need to water the plant after at least 4 days and keep it close like on your windows in case you need some pain relief.

Aloe Vera

Grape Ivy

If you are looking for a plant that can positively change the appeal of your space, the Grape Ivy is spot on. It has some of the most beautiful leaves found in the entire plant species. It can thrive in areas with minimal lighting, watering, and even in dry air conditions, without showing signs of dropping.

Grape Ivy

Money Plant

Known by many names from golden pothos to silver vine. The plant species is a regular feature in many homes, due to its lucky fortune charm and easy maintenance indoor plant. You can grow it in soil or keep it in water and will always give back it’s natural colour, breathing in oxygen and cleaning the air from toxins. It's an ideal plant to have even in your office as well.

Money Plant

Areca Palm

Whether you have a room with low or no lighting at all the Areca palm is a plant that will always leave you wondering. With its ability to grow fast, you will always be amused by the butterfly palms all the time you are around. You may need to change the vase after 2 to 3 years.

Areca Palm


The Begonia plant breaks that usual sync plants may exude. The plant species are origins from the tropicals giving you great views throughout the year. Some have deep red leaves while others have purple leaves. They are a perfect indoor plant that requires minimum maintenance and low sunlight. Mind keeping the topsoil dry.


Calathea Peacock

If the walls in your home are of pastel or white shade, the Calathea Peacock enchants such glorious spaces with their ability to radiate a serene beauty. They are available in red and pink flecks on their leaves, just like the peacock bird has shining colours. It’s one of the most sought after easy to maintain plants, requiring minimum lighting.

Calathea Peacock

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