
Know How To Take Care Of These Popular Anti Oxicidants Plant

April 09, 2021

Air purifying plants are all those species of plants that cleanse the air we breathe. They remove chemicals like VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and other pollutants from the air. Some of the common VOCs would be benzene, commonly found in plastics, fabrics, pesticides, cigarette smoke, and formaldehyde, found in cosmetics, dish detergent, fabric softener and carpet cleaner. As per some pieces of research conducted by NASA, it has been proved that these air-purifying plants work even better than machine air purifiers. All one needs to do is take good care of these green beauties for its to bless its owner with its fullest potential of goodness. That is the reason why today, over this blog, we are going to let you know some effective care tips or requirements for these natural air purifiers. Make sure to fulfil each of its care requirements to help it bloom and bless you with its goodness in the years to come.

 Know How To Take Care Of These Popular Anti Oxicidants Plant

Boxwood Plant

Boxwood Plant
  • Sunlight - Prefers full or partial sun to grow to its fullest.
  • Temperature - Heat, humidity, and drought-tolerant plant. One of the most adaptable species.
  • Water - Water deeply and as regularly as possible in afternoon shade.
  • Fertilizer - Treat it with organic oil or insecticidal sprays if leaves start to turn yellow.
  • Repotting - One can choose to report boxwood after two years in the spring.

Calathea Plant

Calathea Plant
  • Sunlight - Need bright, but not direct, sunlight to grow
  • Temperature - Prefer temperatures between 65-80 degrees and don’t like cold much.
  • Water - Needs distilled or purified water to maintain its limited watering schedule.
  • Fertilizer - Does well with standard houseplant fertilizer during spring, summer, and fall. 
  • Repotting - Repot your calathea once every year or every other year

Chamaedorea Plant 

Chamaedorea Plant
  • Sunlight - Needs bright, filtered sunlight to do their best.
  • Temperature - The ideal temperature for the chamaedorea plant is between 55 to 58F.
  • Water - Cannot tolerate overwatering. Slight moisture but with a dash of dryness is perfect for supporting their growth.
  • Fertilizer - Fertilise once or twice during the growing season with diluted liquid fertilizer.
  • Repotting - Do not need repotting more than once a year.

China Palm

China Palm
  • Sunlight - Requires lots of bright indirect light but should be kept out of direct sunlight.
  • Temperature - Can tolerate temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Water - Are fairly drought tolerant, but still, indoor plants will easily absorb two or three light waterings per week.
  • Fertiliser - Needs to be regularly fertilized. 8-2-12 palm fertilizer should be fed once a month.
  • Repotting - Doesn’t need to be repotted often. Just plant it once in a big pot to eliminate constant repotting cycles.

Cycas Plant

Cycas Plant
  • Sunlight - Does best with bright light, without direct sunlight.
  • Temperature - Prefers average room temperatures of 65°F (16°C) --- 75°F (24°C) 
  • Water - Plant soil is best when kept moist, so water the plant as and when topsoil dries out.
  • Fertilizer - Feed diluted liquid fertilizer once a month from April - October. 
  • Repotting - Does not need to be repotted every year. Once in three years should be doable.

Ponytail Plant 

Ponytail Plant
  • Sunlight - Bright, indirect sunlight is best for them.
  • Temperature - Normal room temperature is fine for most of the year.
  • Water - Water when topsoil dries out completely 
  • Fertiliser - Fertilize in the spring with a cacti/succulent fertilizer 
  • Repotting - Repotting every other year at the most is what it needs.

Shami Plant

Shami Plant
  • Sunlight - Requires indirect sunlight.
  • Temperature - Minimum temperature should vary between 9-18 degree C, and the maximum temperature should vary between 40-46 degree C.
  • Water - Sparingly water every day.
  • Fertiliser - Feed with the fertilizer in the spring. 
  • Repotting - Repot from cutting.

Areca Palm Plant

Areca Palm Plant
  • Sunlight - Likes bright, filtered sunlight
  • Temperature - Doesn’t like when the temperature dips about 50 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Water - Use distilled water or collected rainwater to water when the topsoil dries out.
  • Fertiliser - Requires fertilizing from spring to early fall with a liquid fertilizer,
  • Repotting - Repot every other year

Fern Plant

Fern Plant
  • Sunlight - Prefers to grow in shady places, away from direct sunlight
  • Temperature - Can do their best in 60-70 F (15-21 C.) or even from 50-60 F. (10-16 C) temperature range
  • Water - Water when topsoil dries out.
  • Fertilizer - Every two to four weeks with a liquid fertilizer in summers
  • Repotting - Repot your ferns in the springtime

Peace Lily Plant

Peace Lily Plant
  • Sunlight - Requires bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Temperature - Does best in temperatures upwards of 70°F (21°C).
  • Water - Regular consistent watering is needed.
  • Fertiliser - Feed indoor plant food directly to the soil or mix it in when you water.
  • Repotting - Repot when plant’s roots have completely outgrown its container.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant
  • Sunlight - Prefers bright, indirect light 
  • Temperature - Loves to be in a warm spot with temperatures above 50°F (10°C).
  • Water - Never water snake plant frequently, let the soil dry out between waterings.
  • Fertiliser - Feed cacti and succulent fertilizer or a diluted 10-10-10 general-purpose liquid fertilizer.
  • Repotting - Repot in the spring

Spider Plant

Spider Plant
  • Sunlight - Needs bright to moderate indirect sunlight.
  • Temperature - Prefers temperatures between 55 and 80°F (13–27°C)
  • Water - Water occasionally during its initial growth phase, once fully developed, water moderately.
  • Fertiliser - Fertilize every two to three weeks with a balanced houseplant fertilizer
  • Repotting - Repot a spider plant about every other year.

Zamia Plant 

Zamia Plant
  • Sunlight - Does well in moderate to bright light.
  • Temperature - Does well in temperatures ranging from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Water - Water moderately, as and when needed.
  • Fertiliser - Fertilize with a slow-release palm food or a diluted household plant food once a month during the growing season.
  • Repotting - Repot once the roots have outgrown the container 

Sansevieria Plant

Sansevieria Plant
  • Sunlight - Does well in moderate to bright indirect light.
  • Temperature - Temperatures ranging from 55-85 degrees are fine for the Sansevieria.
  • Water - Likes to dry out completely between waterings. Water once a month during winters.
  • Fertiliser - Fertilize your plant twice a year with a portion of general-purpose plant food.
  • Repotting - Repot when roots start to outgrow the container in the late winter or early spring.
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