
5 Ayurveda Recommended Plants for Your House

February 25, 2021

“Vedic wisdom is bringing a modern renaissance that has already begun. Ancient Ayurvedic Medicine is in fact ultra-modern, cutting-edge unified field based medicine.” ― Dr John Hagelin

Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. Over 3,000 years ago in India, ayurvedic medicine came into the picture, and ever since then, it has one of the commonly held beliefs which still exists across many Indian households. Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine claims that health and wellness are all about striking that delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. It’s not particularly to fight any disease but to promote good health among individuals. As per ayurvedic sciences, it is said that everything in this universe is connected be it dead or alive. If your mind, body, and spirit are in harmony, then you will have good health. If these three things lack balance, then you are bound to fall sick due to some genetic or birth-related defects, injuries, climate, or season change.
From the Ayurvedic wisdom and experience, legends have suggested some ayurvedic plants which take good care of our health. These Ayurvedic medicinal plants have a long list of benefits before allopathy and homeopathy even came into the picture. The best part about using these non-flowering and flowering plants as medicines is that they don’t have any side effects. You can choose to grow these ayurvedic herbs to maintain a good and healthy life.

5 Ayurveda Recommended Plants for Your House

Aloe Vera

Also known as Ghritkumari, an aloe vera plant has got a long list of benefits to offer. Being a succulent plant aloe vera requires minimal care and can be grown by anyone as an indoor or outdoor plant. Aloe Vera is rich in antioxidants, it boosts digestion, helps in curing diabetes, and promotes weight loss, among many other health benefits. You can choose to drink some Aloe vera juice or add its leaves to your salad or even can add its gel into your nutritious salad dressings.

Aloe Vera


Known as Tulsi, a basil plant is a sacred plant as per Hindu belief. Hindus regard goddess Tulsi as one of the celebrated forms of Goddess Lakshmi which makes her a consort of Lord Vishnu. Basil helps in relieving one from stress and anxiety, solves issues related to high cholesterol, improves metabolism, and helps in treating asthma, bronchitis, colds, and the flu


People refer to ginger or “Adrak” in Hindi. As per Ayurveda, it is one of the most popular herbal remedies for curing a cold or flu or cough, treats chronic indigestion, reduces the risk of heart diseases, has anti-cancer properties, lowers blood sugar level, helps in weight loss, and treats nausea. The gingerol property present in this herb has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, among other benefits which is what makes it the healthiest herb of all.



Lasuna is what people refer garlic in Hindi. Be it Indian or Chinese food, the use of garlic as a herb seems to be quite evident across many cuisines. But did we know that garlic is one of the highly held healthy Ayurvedic herbs? We are a pretty sure answer to that would be a big no. Garlic is a gift to the study of Ayurveda as it has got some magical properties to look forward to. From bettering blood pressure levels, lowering cholesterol, treating colds and flu to blessing us with stronger bones, improved memory, and glowing skin, garlic does it all.



Amla or gooseberry which are widely used in Indian households to prepare chutneys and pickles are a great source of Ayurvedic herb. It has proven itself to be a great cure for diabetes, cholesterol, cold, cough, indigestion, and many stomach ailments. Being citrus in its taste, gooseberries are a high source of Vitamin C and are filled with antioxidants. So you can grow gooseberry plants in your backyard or front lawn.


So, we hope you will bring home these ayurvedic plants to rescue you and your loved ones from innumerable diseases/ailments. Nurture them, follow the path of Ayurvedic medicines and you shall be eventually focussing on the betterment of your own lifestyle.

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