
Perfect Table Top Plants For The Plant Lover

January 20, 2022

Those who love nature are the best kind of people! Don’t know if you have noticed, but plant lovers around the world possess the same kinda qualities. They love nature, are kind-hearted, and mostly wish to see greenery all around them, that is why most nature lovers have indoor plants to surround themselves with mother nature's warmth. These kinds of people deserve the best in their choice including a beautiful plant to decorate their home with.

beautiful plant

Finding indoor plants is not a big deal but deciding where to put them is a task in itself. Making room for plants is difficult, but if you ask us we believe that the most graceful place to put your plant is on top of a table. Imagine sitting around with a book and with a beautiful plant placed on your side table, peaceful isn’t it? Now the issue is not every plant is suitable for tabletops. So to help you achieve that serene, beautiful atmosphere for your home, here is your guide of some plants that are perfect to be placed on top of a table!


If you search for the most beautiful indoor plant type, we bet the first search result would be of terrariums. These fascinating plants are the perfect tabletop plants as they are inside a bowl and come in all sizes. Therefore you can pick one according to your convenience and ofcourse they are absolutely mesmerizing to look at. Also, terrarium plants online are easily available for anyone to buy, therefore this beauty will reach your home without any hassle.

beautiful plant


A Bonsai is a plant type that has so many different beliefs related to it, that it is always a great choice for your home. The meaning of Bonsai, if roughly translated, is a tree in a pot, so when you get a Bonsai, you get a whole tree to put on top of your bedside table. Bonsai are ideal home companions not just because of their size but also because, as a part of the ancient Chinese Feng Shui art, Bonsai is believed to bring tons of luck and prosperity into the home of the holder!

beautiful plant


With tens of varieties available, the Syngonium plant is one of the most popular indoor plants. The most famous type is the Pink Syngonium, which has slightly pastel pink and green leaves. The plant is pretty small and usually, doesn't need much looking after making it a perfect plant for the center of the room.

beautiful plant


If you are a plant enthusiast, you must know this plant by its fun name which is mother-in-law’s tongue. Sansevieria is a popular air-purifying plant that needs to be water only once or twice a week. Because of its air purifying and low-maintenance qualities, Sansevieria is an amazing partner for your bedside table.

beautiful plant


Keeping a plant in your home has many benefits; it cleanses the air around you, makes your home look more lively, it improves your mood while providing a positive aura to your home. Therefore, you should take a pick from the above list and get an indoor plant for yourself right away!

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