
Parts of Flowers - Flower Anatomy 101

June 26, 2020

We all know how a flower looks like and most of you can easily recognize stems and petals. But, do you know all the other important parts of the flower? We guess a very few people out there are familiar with the different parts of the flower. That is why we are here to discuss flower anatomy. The floral anatomy below discusses all the different parts of the flower including the male and female parts of a flower. Get down with your notebook and pen as you are going to learn something amazing about flowers ahead.

Flower Anatomy 101


The petals of a bloom can be thought of as the housing for the inward parts. It is believed that blossoms with splendidly shaded petals are pollinated by insects. The lively hues are the plant's method of drawing in its pollinator so as to imitate. It is additionally believed that plants with dull green or even earthy colored shaded blossom petals are pollinated through the wind.


Sepals form a defensive layer around an unopened bloom. Normally green in colour, sepals are the leaves that encompass the region that is usually referred to as the bud. They are profoundly valuable in function since they help shield the unopened blossom from drying out. Sepals form at the highest point of a stem and are the first sign that a plant is going to deliver blooming blooms.

Peduncle and Receptacle

Peduncle is referred to as the stalk or stem of a flower and the receptacle is basically the base of the flower that holds its major organs.


This is the female reproductive part of flower that consists of four major parts.

Stigma - It is the place where the pollen grains are gathered so as to start the procedure of fertilization. The stigma is connected to the style, which is simply the tail that joins to the blossom itself. The technique is fundamentally a tube pollen uses to travel through the blossom. The stigma is situated inside the blossom and is sticky in nature.
Style - This is the name for the tail of the pistil. When pollen arrives at the stigma, it starts to grow a tube through the style called a pollen tube, which will in the end arrive at the ovary.
Ovary - The base of the pistil. This organ holds the ovules waiting for the fertilization.
Ovules - These are the bloom's eggs, situated inside the ovary. Upon fertilisation by the pollen, they will finally develop into a seed. In the fruit plants, pollen won't just enhance the development of a seed, but of the nearby fruits as well.


This is the male reproductive part of a flower that consists of two major parts.

Anther - The head of the stamen. The anther is the part that is responsible for the production of pollen, which will ideally be moved to the pistil by insects or animals, for example, honey bees. This is a vital part of the flower reproduction.
Fiber - This is the tail that holds the anther and joins it to the bloom.

Parts of Flowers

So, these were the different important parts of the flower. You can see these parts yourself by bringing in a white lily flower or any other flower.

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