
NASA Recommended 5 Best Indoor Plants To Improve Indoor Air Quality

September 08, 2021

As deforestation is taking place on a large scale, many countries are engulfed in smog and pollutants, leaving them in a gloomy state. Many people are not able to breathe the air they deserve, and accordingly, global warming is also increasing. In such a state where a grey area is expanding, and air quality is decreasing, you need some miraculous objects that can help you improve the air quality of your ambience. We often sow seedlings so trees can curb the pollution but do you know there are some fantastic air purifying plants online that are also known as NASA approved air-purifying plants. Also, these NASA recommended plants are indoor plants that purify the air and maintain the peace and positivity around. They are helpful enough to decorate our place and remove the toxins in the environment. These NASA recommended indoor plants are readily available and are easy to maintain. You can get plants online and enjoy their presence around you. So, let us have a look at what are those NASA recommended five best indoor plants that will improve indoor air quality.

NASA Recommended 5 Best Indoor Plants To Improve Indoor Air Quality


What a beautiful plant it is! The gorgeously different leaves make it perfect home decor, and amazingly, its leaves go with every kind of interior. This is a low-maintenance plant that is often ignored, but NASA recognized its capabilities of purifying the air and keeping the environment away from pollutants. This plant removes benzene, xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. So, what are your thoughts on adding this NASA-recommended plant, Sansevieria? Fun fact: This plant is also known as snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue.


Peace Lily

Another NASA-approved air-purifying plant that you can add to your home is a Peace Lily Plant. This flowering plant is a low-maintenance plant that will elevate the look of your home. This plant removes toxins from the air, like ammonia, benzene, xylene, toluene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, and many other pollutants present in the air. It is also known to bring good luck to your home and positivity. So, you can add this NASA-recommended peace lily plant to your home. It is readily available.

Peace Lily


Pothos can be found in many households as the money plant. This plant is known for activating the financial energies at home; hence you would see many homes having this plant. Another benefit of this NASA-recommended plant is that it effectively pollutants like xylene, toluene, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air. This indoor plant can also survive in extreme conditions, and you won’t need to take care of it too much. So, adding a pothos to the home if you haven’t already would be the best deal.


Boston Ferns

One of the most beautiful NASA approved air-purifying plants is the Boston fern. It can match your interiors easily, and keeping it at home will elevate the look for your place. Now, you must be thinking about why it is known as one of the air-purifying indoor plants. It is because it cleans the formaldehyde, xylene, airborne germs, and toluene. Also, it effectively removes the moulds and bacterias from the air. So, you see why the Boston fern is recommended by NASA.

Boston Ferns

Aloe Vera

The possibility is quite high that you might already be having this NASA recommended plant - Aloe Vera. It has many therapeutic uses, and just like skin, it cleanses air as well. It removes the benzene and formaldehyde from the air, making it one of the best air-purifying plants to add at home. Apart from that, it is also used for skin treatment and cooking purposes. If you do not have this plant at home, consult once to your mother, she will help you learn the benefits of this plant and the importance of keeping it at home.

Aloe Vera

Final Thoughts

As we breathe the fresh air, our mind opens. We are more inclined towards the innovative and creative side. We start understanding things in a better way. Adding NASA approved air-purifying plants to home is the best step to take towards a Green India. So, if you want to feel lively and better, just try to make a place for these NASA recommended plants and feel the air quality improving every day passing by. These plants are hard to kill and low maintenance, so you can get these beautiful plants from FlowerAura as well. Let’s make your home a better place to breathe together! #Pollutionfreegreens

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