
NASA Recommended Best Air-purifying Indoor Plants in India

May 19, 2020

With many cities being choked in the deadly smog and the increase in toxic substances in air, it is getting hard and hard to breath. People are trying to protect themselves from these toxins by wearing N95 masks. Alternatively, many people are staying indoors as much as possible. But do you know that there is an ultimate solution to this problem! Turn on to nature and you can get rid of all these harmful toxins near you. Any guesses? We are talking about NASA recommended indoor plants that can purify the air around you and can eliminate all the harmful substances from the air. Yes! You read that right. Plants do have the power to do so. These plants are easily available and you can bring these air purifying plants NASA to your homes and offices. Below, we have shared some of the best and easily accessible NASA approved indoor plants.

NASA Recommended Best Air-purifying Indoor Plants in India

Peace Lily

It is one of NASA's most popular air-purifying plants for expelling dangerous and most common toxins. This plant removes the harmful substances like benzene and formaldehyde, making it easier for you to breathe fresh and clean air. An easy to develop plant with pretty white blossoms, it's among the best indoor plants India that purify air.

Peace Lily

Snake Plant

Snake plants give out excessive oxygen at night and are known to remove toxins like Xylene, Toluene, and Benzene. These plants don’t require much attention and care as they can survive without water for days. Another important thing is that they remove carbon monoxide from the air. Place the plant in low-light spaces for the best results.

Snake Plant

Aloe Vera

One of the best plants that cleanses the air by removing formaldehyde and benzene and also absorbing carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Keep this short and easy to grow to plant in mild sunlight. There are additionally many benefits of this plant as the Aloe Vera gel contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound healing properties.

Aloe Vera

English Ivy

These evergreen air cleaning indoor plants assist with bringing down airborne fecal particles and remove formaldehyde from the air. This plant requires support as it draws in bothers on not getting adequate light. Further, it needs care while watering the plant, as it doesn’t like standing water. Although all the care is worth it!

English Ivy

Money Plant

Also known as Golden Pothos and Devil’s Ivy, this is the best plant on the list of NASA indoor plants as it removes toxins like xylene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, benzene and more. The plant is also known to attract positive vibes, good luck, and prosperity according to Feng Shui. It is easy to grow and doesn’t require much maintenance.

Money Plant

Spider Plant

A plant that can brighten up the darkest spaces and is perfect for living rooms. The plant eliminates xylene and formaldehyde that is present inside your house. Also, the plant is safe to be kept around the kids and pets as it is one of the best non-toxic plants. Make sure that you place it in indirect sunlight for excellent growth.

Spider Plant

Bamboo Palm

Also known as the Areca palm or Butterfly palm, it is one of the best indoor plants for air purification India. A hard to kill plant that removes formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene is a must add to your indoors. Place it in an area with good air circulation. Apart from being an air purifying plant, it is also a natural humidifier, making it useful in the winters.

Bamboo Palm

So, these were the top NASA recommended air purifying plants that you can bring home to breathe fresh. You can buy these air purifying indoor plants in India from a reliable online nursery. Incorporate these to your home and office now and purify the air around you!

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