Let’s' Get Talking About Student-Teacher Experiences/Interactions
Teaching is a tough job--Holding the attention of every student, wriggling way out of troubles, and ensuring a bright future for every student. However, what’s even more difficult is being a student (Hahah!) Isn’t it? Burning the midnight oil to score grade A in every test, showing up and looking interested in the class when you are not, not giving to the temptations of playing in the class, and whatnot.
But, it’s these experiences that make the school life the best of all. It’s only when you grow old and graduate from school, you realize nothing can ever match up to the experiences and memories school gave us. The same is for the teachers. No matter how much they crib to be teaching the noisiest class or about the efforts they have to put in for making a lazy child read and write, they always hold close to their hearts the teaching memories.

So, let’s give it up for all the teachers who have taken all the pain to teach and educate hundreds of brassy students, like us, and still managing to retain their sanity. Let’s also acknowledge all those shining stars that have made their teachers proud and the ones that made school a fun place to be.
Here are some teacher-student experiences in the honour of Teacher’s Day!
The Lunch-Box Scandal
We are sure every student can be blamed for this scandal-- Eating lunch-boxes before the break. If you claim to be a good student, then you must be having a FOMO (Fear of missing out) moment, right now. It was fun and challenging. Not being caught was the major challenge that every student took way too seriously and fulfilled with flying colours.

The Most Talkative Child Award
If you are like me, then you must have been awarded the title “The Most Talkative child.” Every time the teacher turns around, he or she is more likely to find you talking and giggling. But, no punishment can ever stop you from not talking. And, now when you look back, it is one of the most beautiful memories of schooling, including the scoldings. On 5th September, give happy teacher's day gifts to that one who gave you this title along with a card that reads “ No point changing my seat, I talk to everyone” and make this an everlasting memory.

Everyone’s Favourite Teacher
At least, there is one teacher that is favourite of all. No child seems to back-bitch about that teacher. Reasons could be many. Maybe he/she was soft-spoken and friendly, or handsome/beautiful. You may have graduated, but you still miss him or her. Don’t you? Take Teacher’s Day as an opportunity to talk about your favorite teacher, whom you still miss and revere.

Cool College Teachers
After school, college is another place where you interact with teachers. Unlike school teachers, college teachers are much more cool. Apart from studies, they also have conversations on different topics, like movies, political scenarios, changing lifestyle. College teachers are more of a mentor for life, you could say. If you feel you were fortunate enough to be taught by cool teachers even in school, appreciate your best teacher in school or college time through gestures. Put a social media status with them, write a few lines in their honour, send personalised gifts, etc.

Bitter Teacher-Student Experience
While there are many, mostly good memories of schooling, there are some bitter experiences as well. 5th September is the day to celebrate the bittersweet moments that made and makes school/college life worth reliving. What could be better than Teachers day theme cake to sweeten those bitter moments and memories?

Lastly, we can’t thank our teachers and mentors enough for their valuable contribution to our lives. On Teacher’s Day, send sweet messages for teachers to honour them. And, for the rest of your days, keep them in your heart and prayers. If you have more to add, the comment section is all yours.