New Year

Know The Importance of New year Celebrations

December 17, 2020

It’s already halfway through December which means in another few days we will be bidding adieu to this year and welcoming the new year with open arms. Every new year we love to celebrate it over popping a bottle of champagne with our loved ones, who matter to us the most. We even pamper them with the best possible new year gift and spend some quality time with them dancing, singing, playing or talking our hearts out to them. But every new year is much more of realisation and of lessons, than that of celebrations. Ever wondered what is the importance of new year celebration or the new year as an occasion? We bet you didn’t, which is why we are here to give you some valid reasons as to why New Year is not just any occasion. But a special occasion to learn from.

Importance of New year Celebrations

To Reflect And Learn From The Mistakes

We all are humans, so quite normally we are bound to make mistakes. But new years give us a chance to learn from those mistakes which we had committed this year. Learn from them and to rise above them. Understand what went wrong or what could have gone wrong, but you were being saved by God’s grace and reflect upon them. Don’t carry on with the mistake in the next year, drop it, learn from it and then move ahead in the next year. Accept it as being one of the lessons that life taught you, this year!

To Reflect And Learn From The Mistakes

To Move On From The Past

We know, moving on is something rather easier said than done! But at least try and you shall accomplish it! Give up on all those unhealthy relationships which are holding you back for all the wrong reasons. Give up on all those old habits which are detrimental for you. Give up on all the negativities of your life. Whatever makes you unhappy, dissatisfied, sad, anxious, move on, and head from them. You will find better things lying ahead of you in the next year, for sure.

To Move On From The Past

Gives Us An Opportunity To Bond

In this generation, wherein we don’t bond or connect with a person on mental, spiritual and physical grounds. But rather always-on virtual grounds, humanity has somewhat ceased to exist in all of us. We have become materialistic or selfish as an outcome of which qualities like sensitivity, empathy, love, and care have been erased from us. New Years gives us a chance to rekindle those loving relationships which matter/ed to us always. It gives all of us a second chance to bond with the people we love; help them bring closer to us.

Gives Us An Opportunity To Bond

Explore Yourself In An All-New New Way

New Years gives us a span of 12 months to rediscover ourselves. To explore the inner-me and urge us to contribute to building a fantastic, confident self of us. It gives us a reason to be happy by discovering our hidden talents like singing, dancing, etc. or gives wings to our hidden interests to pursue them for our well being.

Explore Yourself In An All-New New Way

To Set, Some Attainable Goals For Self

Be it professionally or personally, every new year gives us the opportunity to set some realistic goals for us. Goals are what keeps us driven or motivated at work or at a personal level. You just need to figure out what excited you and work towards achieving it this year. In other words, it tends to bring us one step closer to our dreams.

To Set, Some Attainable Goals For Self

A Chance To Prioritise You

Often while caring or doing things too much for the other people, who matter to us, we end up prioritising them over us - which is so wrong. One always must prioritise them, their choices, their wants and take care of them physically and mentally, Simple because, this is something others will not do for you, even if you are doing out of care or concern for them. New Year helps us target positivity, work on our mental health and self-worth.

A Chance To Prioritise You

To Lay A Road Map To Accomplishing Something Big

New Years always reminds us that something big doesn’t happen overnight. One needs to work towards earning it constantly, day after day. Be it for saving some amount of your income to buy a new house or to free yourself from some debt. You need to lay a road map for the coming 12 months and end up following the same old routine of wake-up, work, eat, sleep, repeat.

To Lay A Road Map To Accomplishing Something Big

So folks, are you ready to start writing a new story, this new year with much enthusiasm, excitement and happiness? There’s more to New Year than just to celebrate it quite like just any other festival. Get your pen ready as you become all set to write the story of your dreams or lives in the manner, you always wanted. May your future be as beautiful as those fairytales, here’s wishing you all a very happy and prosperous New year. Keep dreaming and keep thriving!

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