Should I be Tested for Coronavirus? Know about COVID-19
The Coronavirus continues to spread around the world, prompting government and higher authorities to take precautions and measures to restrict the spread of the disease that it causes further. If you are looking for news about coronavirus in India, or what to do to prepare for coronavirus or anything else about the deadly virus, you will find it all below! As the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global pandemic officially, the COVID - 19 disease has spread to more than 118 countries killing around 5000 people and leaving around 60,000 still infected with the virus. On the bright side, more than 70,000 people have recovered from the disease. But where did it all begin and how did it spread around the globe???
The first time this virus got into the news was on December 31 last year when China informed WHO about several cases of odd pneumonia in Wuhan. The virus was unknown at that time, and later on January 7, the virus was given name 2019-nCov as it belonged to the coronavirus family. Further in January, a few cases in different countries such as Italy, Iran, South korea, Spain and many more were reported. And the virus spread because people from Wuhan travelled to those countries. Since then, the death toll and the number of infected people kept on rising as people were travelling to different countries and products were being traded!

As for India, the first case was reported here on January 30. And as of now, a total of 75 cases have been reported with just one casualty. Doctors are working around the globe to find the cure and designing vaccination for the same. With Israel claiming that they are close to manufacturing the vaccine, the world awaits for the distribution of vaccine to avoid it from spreading further. Till then, how to identify coronavirus, what are the symptoms of coronavirus, and how to prevent it??? Scroll a bit and find it all!
What are the Symptoms of Coronavirus?
According to the reported illness and cases, there are various symptoms that can be seen in 2-14 days after exposure to the coronavirus.
- Fever
- Shortness of Breath
- Cough
- Sneezing
- Extreme Tiredness

These and some similar symptoms that have been identified in the cases of the new coronavirus. If you have got some of these, you should definitely visit a doctor nearby for further tests and controls.
What to do to Prevent Coronavirus?
Currently, there is no vaccine available to prevent the COVID-19 disease. So, the best way to prevent this is to avoid getting exposed to it. Here are a few measures and precautions that you can take to prevent it. As the virus mainly spreads from person to person, try to follow these.
- Maintain at least 3-4 feet of distance with another person.
- Always wear a mask and tell others as well to do the same because it spreads through respiratory droplets produced while sneezing or coughing.
- Use hand sanitizer frequently. Choose a sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose with unwashed hands.
- While washing the hand with soap and water, spend around 20 seconds to wash them properly.
- Clean the surface when you place your hand on it.

Apart from the mentioned precautions, the best option is to self isolate yourself in house. Stock up your fridge and kitchen with proper adequate supplies and wait for the situation to get under control.
Governments around the world in different countries are taking proper measures as well. As the virus rapidly spread in Italy and Spain, many sport activities, including football matches,cricket, basketball are suspended. Various shows, concerts, and public gathering have also been postponed and suspended. In India, many schools, colleges, cinema halls, and offices have been closed temporarily.
To find out the recent number of infected people and deaths, you can check the WHO website for real news. Also, in such a situation, a lot of rumours and fake news is spreading. So, verify the news before believing it. Take care!!!