Kill Boredom with These DIY Notebook Cover Ideas

April 13, 2020

As you all are quarantined due to a deadly pandemic, you are confined to your homes. Though you are occupied with office work still there is time left when you are thinking of how to utilise the time. So, to kill the boredom and to get you all occupied with some fun activity, we have bought you some DIY notebook covers ideas at home. Interesting? Well, you will find it interesting once you will go through our blog. Shall we start?

DIY Notebook Covers

It’s all about Denim- Upcycled Denim Cover

Let’s get started with our first and spring feel DIY notebook cover idea i.e Denims. Rescue a pair of old, poor, ripped, which you are never going to wear jeans from the trash and cut yourself a leg and a pocket. Now Prepare your materials;

- 2 pieces of denim and chipboard cut to the same size
- Patterned paper scraps cut 1/2-3/4" larger than the chipboard
- A flower embellishment

Cover one side of the chipboard with patterned paper. Make mitred corners by snipping the corners off the paper to a spot equal to the thickness of the chipboard. Glue and fold over edges. Now stitch the pocket to the denim on three sides twice around. And add your little flower for decorating notebook. Cut a used dryer sheet into four different sized circles. Add colour to the circles by misting them with ink. Layer the circles from largest to smallest and stitch a button to the centre. Glue the pocket-embellished-denim from the front cover and the plane denim from the back. Cut the bunches of scrap paper to use as your journal pages. Bind it all together with a binding machine to punch holes and secure with rings or tied ribbon. Add a bit of ribbon to the binding, and some pens in the pocket. And there you go, a recycled journal complete with an on-board pen holder.

DIY Upcycled Denim Cover

MAP- Countries and Continent on your Journal or Notebook

You'll need two pieces of a Map/Atlas etc that have a mix of watery and landmass areas to give a mix of colours. Mark up strips on the opposite side you want to use so that you can read the name of the places. You'll want one map piece to have horizontal stripes and one to have vertical strips leaving an inch around all sides.

Next, cover the bottom of the Vertical pieces down with a paperweight and start weaving. When you've intertwined enough to cover the book front and back, add some tape to the bottom of the intertwined pieces leaving enough of the tape to be able to fold over and seal the ends together. Repeat the same for the top and sides

When you've taped each side and folded the edge of the tape over to the back, you should be left with a piece of woven Atlas ‘fabric’ which you can now use to cover your Composition book. Layer Double-sided tape to completely cover the front and back, making sure the spine has tape stuck to it also. Then place the back of the book on the woven atlas ‘fabric’ and take the woven piece and wrap it around the book to ensure that it is fixed. Trim around the edges. After trimming you will have some loose pieces that stick, glue them down then place the notebook under a stack of books to ensure that all the pieces are well affixed to the cover. Trim the extras and enjoy your recycled Atlas / Map notebook.

 DIY MAP - Countries and Continent on your Journal

Keep It Simple!

Now, you have already got tasks to cover enough time of your day. Here we are going to keep it simple and easy. This DIY won’t take much time. So, let’s get started. You will need:

- Notebook (any)
- Fabric ( of your choice)
- Glue Stick
- Craft glue
- Scissors

Lay your notebook on your chosen fabric and cut your fabric about 1 inch wider and longer all the way around. Now, spread the extra strength glue all over the front of your notebook. Make sure to push out all bubbles and make it very smooth. Do the same on the back of the notebook. Now, grab some scissors and snip the fabric in the centre of the notebook at the top and the bottom. Snip all the way up to the notebook. Now you are going to start finishing the edges. Starting on the front of our notebook, fold the bottom fabric in on itself about half an inch and use your craft glue to stick it. And then fold it again so that this time it goes on to the notebook and make sure it is smooth and tight around the edge. You’ll do this all the way around the notebook. When it is completely finished, place it under something heavy to flatten it out if needed. And then enjoy!

DIY Simple Notebook Cover

So, these were some interesting DIY Notebook cover ideas to kill your boredom and you can ask your family members to join you so that you all can have a great fun activity together.

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