Interesting Facts About Santa
As Christmas arrives, Santa Claus is the most discussed topic among kids. As small kids, we all believed in the story of Santa and how he delivered gifts to everyone’s place. In the desire to get amazing presents at midnight, kids keep their socks ready. The same kids keep daydreaming about how naughty or good they have been throughout the year and whether they have the potential of getting Christmas gifts from a bearded, jolly person, known as Santa Claus.

There is much folklore connected with Santa Claus but, there are certain facts that we are still unknown about. Today, under this blog, we will enlighten you on the interesting facts about Santa. So, let’s scroll down to see what we have gathered for you.
Santa- A Myth Or Reality
Well, folklore exhibits a bearded man sledging all the way to leave gifts to the socks but this is not really true. There was a Saint named St. Nicolas who used to give coins to children, leave gifts and pay a dowry for impoverished girls. He used to distribute gifts at night purposely because he never wanted to be recognized. After he died, he was recognised as a patron saint of children.
Santa Claus Or Sinterklaas
Well, you would be amazed to know that Santa Claus is just 200 years old. This name first appeared in the New York newspaper. Before that, a dutch tradition kept St. Nicolas’s name - ‘Sinterklaas’ who delivers Christmas gifts door to door on the night of 5th December.
Modern Santa Claus Is Connected To Coca Cola
We see a jolly man dolled up in a red outfit delivering the gift to the kids. Well, this was brought by Coca-Cola, and it was a widely-circulated campaign that made people believe that Santa was a jolly man. Before, Santa used to be clothed in different colors like green, blue, brown, and purple. Then he was dressed in a red suit, and then the other transformation was about the looks.
Santa Was A Bachelor
Until the 1800s, Santa was a bachelor. There was no mention of his wife. In the 1800s, a magazine wrote a story that mentioned Santa’s wife that became popular. Some still believe that Santa is a bachelor but, some think that he has a wife. But if we consider St. Nicholas's story, then he cannot have a wife.
Department Stores And Santa
Just 120 years back, department stores started using Santa as a tool for marketing. A Santa Claus dancing outside the departmental store to grow sales is still a new concept that people follow as a marketing technique.
The Story Of Nine Reindeers
Mostly, we have read that Sanda rides on the nine reindeers but, with 400,000 tons of gifts, Santa at least needs 360,000 reindeer to take this much raw tonnage in the air. So, it is a myth that nine reindeers take Santa Claus to drop Christmas gifts to every doorstep.
Two Hometowns Of Santa
Well, there are two cities that claim that you can meet Santa there. One is the North Pole, Alaska, where they claim that if you are keen to meet the real guy, then come here. Another is the Santa Claus village that says you can meet Santa 365 days a year. Well, whether Santa is real or not, people should compromise, and there should be just one hometown of Santa.
So, these are some of the facts that we believe you would have enjoyed reading. This time, as you celebrate this festival with Christmas cake, Christmas gifts and dinner, do not forget to tell these interesting facts to your beloved ones. As you pick gifts for friends and family, do not forget to grab Christmas gifts for girlfriend from a reliable portal because even she needs pampering at this festival.