5 Innovative New Year Gift Ideas That Are Not Chocolates | FlowerAura
That time of the year has finally come! Are you all set to make new resolutions? Every year you come up with new resolutions (Though some of you break it) and new hopes. So what is your resolution for this year? While you think and jot down your new year resolutions, there is another important thing that we all scratch our heads for. Yes, the new year gifts. Every year we hop here and there to find the best and most unique new year gifts and what we land up to? Chocolates? Right? The easy-peasy gift and you are sorted. Want to try something else this time apart from chocolates? While we give you some new year gift suggestions you make sure you don’t break your new year resolution. So, come along let us provide you with some amazing and quirky new year gift ideas

Go Green
Welcome the new year with a splash of green! Give them a gift that grows. Though plants don’t an occasion to be gifted new year is the best time to give plants as a gift. From Air Purifying Plants to Lucky Bamboo to Bonsai Plants Flowering to Medicinal Plants Succulent Plants to Terrarium Plants to Money Plants to Personalised Plants. There is an endless option that you can choose to make your loved ones new year filled with freshness and healthy vibes

Netflix and Chill
No, you can’t go wrong with this one. This is the best gift one could ever ask for. Who doesn’t like Netflix? One can sit for hours and hours and watch their favorite series. The most popular streaming site on the Internet has something for everyone, so we guarantee that it's a gift that will be used for hours of shows and movies and everything in between. With that, you can couple it with a new year gift card (If you are gifting it to a special friend).

Musically Yours
A great idea to gift your family and friends memory of a lifetime. Going on a long road trip singing along to your favorite songs makes the journey short. Isn’t it? Make that journey worth remembering! Gift them a CD, Cassette, or a musical subscription of their favorite song (Your too).

Home Decor
If you are thinking that the above is too traditional or not fitting your list then go for Something that is a classic, so we have just the right thing for you. Gift your loved ones a beautiful little side table or lamp or floor mats. While the traditional look will make it a unique gift, the usability factor will make it even more special.

Flower Subscription
Traditionally flowers are great gift items. Be it simple or exotic, make sure they are well arranged. You can add a personalized touch to it by choosing the flowers according to their taste and preference. Why not buy a flower subscription? With a flower subscription, you’ll get a monthly or weekly box of freshly delivered flowers and arrangements right at the doorstep of the receiver.

We hope you’ve read it all! So, if you are bored with those old traditional gifts, these perfect gift for new year sure makes them smile wide. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning new is almost here!
Without a wait, make them a part of your home and embrace all the virtues. You can gift them as a gesture as well to others.