
8 Important Relationship Tips That Couples Often Forget

June 17, 2020

“Who was I before? I don’t remember
Nor do I want to even remember the time without you.
Where was I before? I don’t remember
I just knew when I found you, I had come home.”

In the words of Maya Angelou, “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” Love is one of the purest kinds of feelings in this world and the foundation of every healthy relationship lies under it. While we see many people falling in love and starting to date or get to know each other better, there are many others who have been there in love once but seemed to have failed. That is exactly just why one needs to take some relationship advice from the experts and smoothen out their rough patch. While for some people relationship tips are merely common sense and hence are rather easier said than done, while others like to take it very seriously since the beginning of their courtship days.

 Important Relationship Tips That Couples Often Forget

Hence to settle your relationship issues, we have listed some pieces of the best relationship advice. Some of which will be classified as relationship advice for women and some as relationship advice for men. These golden rules are some failproof healthy relationship tips which are sure to reignite the long lost romance of your relationship. Also - thank us later!

1. Communication Is The Key

Among other strong relationship tips, this one is “the one” - trust us on this! Not everyone is great at initiating a telepathic conversation, hence communication is much needed. Be it whatever, good-bad, positive-negative, little moments filled with “irks” and irritation (holding for each other) needs to be communicated to your partner effectively. Misunderstandings need to be cleared by talking it out sitting face to face with your partner.

Communication Is The Key

2. Never Take Each Other For Granted

No relationship works only one-way, hence, appreciate your partner for pampering you with the best possible gift for husband and in return pamper likewise. If gifting is not your forte then make gratitude to be. Express your thankfulness or how blessed you feel for his/her existence. Always acknowledge each other for their kind acts/ gestures of love.

Never Take Each Other for Granted

3. Don’t Interfere In Each Other’s Me Time

Everyone deserves an alone time filled with their kind of activities or thoughts, they would like to go ahead and process. If you try to interfere with each other's time (personal time), things might get ugly. So give each other some much-needed space. Allow each other to reflect, grow, meditate, or even just to quietly contemplate.

Don’t Interfere In Each Other’s Me Time

4. Maintain Your Individuality Even While You Are Dating

Think of it - the other person might have liked something about you which is why he/she chose you. Don’t you think? Hence, don’t change yourself - be you, maintain your individuality. Maintain your personal hygiene, grooming and most importantly what makes you - a happy you.

Maintain Your Individuality Even While You Are Dating

5. Take Interest In Each Other’s Interest

It would really mean the world to your partner as you take an interest in his/her hobbies or some shared interest. Once in a while, you both can have a badminton tournament arranged for the both of you or can binge watch some of his/her favourite shows. Cooking/ baking also seems like a great idea, even.

Take Interest In Each Other’s Interest

6. Accept When You Are Wrong

Neither arguing nor putting the blame on each other would help. Hence, stop! Apologise and accept your mistake. It’s totally normal to make mistakes and say sorry. Trust us, it won’t lower your self-respect and neither it would mean surrendering to his/her’s dominant behaviour.

Accept When You Are Wrong

7. Trust Your Partner

We understand it gets really hard to trust again when that trust of yours has been broken in the past. But you chose to be in this relationship and hence you need to bestow him/her with your trust. Not necessary that once a person breaks your trust, the other person would do it too. Right? Hence don’t assume things rather ask and trust what your partner says. Love and trust are the two main cornerstones of every healthy relationship, undoubtedly.

Trust Your Partner

8. Don’t Discuss The Past

Let bygones be bygones. To have a healthy relationship of your own, make sure to keep this mantra in your mind. Never discuss your partner’s past or even yours. Trust us, it’s so not needed. The guilt-tripping of the past is what makes any relationship - a toxic one.

Don’t Discuss The Past

So, these were some good relationship tips that might come handy to you while sorting things out with your partner. If there was love, then it is still there. All you need is to find the right way to express/ convey it.

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