How To Keep Cut Flowers Fresh
Flowers are one of the most loved presents for ages; the tiny buds are capable of making anyone’s day just by getting into their hands. The colourful petals, the soothing fragrance, and the enchanting look all together create a beautiful flower that lights up the environment where it goes. We all love having these precious blossoms around us but get a little as they slowly die. Well, that’s a part of their destiny so that new flowers can replace them. However, there are specific ways through which you can make the flowers live longer. So, to help you to make your inside ambiance prettier for an extended period of time, here we are sharing some inside tips on how to keep cut flowers fresh; read on carefully.

Chop The Stems Off
So, the first and most crucial step on how to make cut flowers last longer is to chop off the stem of the flower. No no! Not the entire branch but about one inch from the bottom, and remember to cut it at an angle of 45 degree with a pair of sharp scissors. By chopping it off this way, the stem will not get all squishy, and the flower will absorb more water. If you bought your flowers from a good florist, the stem is probably already chopped off, but still, we would suggest you cut it every two to three days.

Prune Regularly
To all the plant and flower enthusiasts, it is an obvious one, but for all the new bees in the house, I’ll quickly explain; pruning is an activity where you cut off all the extra or dead parts of the plant so that it grows better and doesn’t harm the rest of the plant. Now, the growing part doesn’t really apply to the flowers, but the dead part can definitely harm the rest of the plant and make it dry a lot quicker. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to prune regularly.

Water is Important
It’s a duh moment, we know water is important, but for these flowers, the importance increases to the level of urgency as they are away from any kind of nutritional source to keep them fresh and alive. So, do not keep the flowers out of water for long; in fact, try to get them into a vase as soon as you get them; even a temporary vase will do until you get home or find the perfect vase for them. Also, change the water every two days and use room temperature water to keep them fresh and smiling for long.

Away From Heat
Flowers are susceptible and delicate; therefore, they can not endure extreme heat. Some people think that flowers need direct light to last long, and here they can not be more wrong. The heat will destroy the plant and burn all the pretty petals. Although flowers do need some light, we would suggest that you keep them somewhere with indirect light and a cool atmosphere, i.e. near a window.

Right Food is The Key
Not a lot of people know this, but flowers need food too. If you’re looking for ways on how to keep fresh-cut flowers alive longer, this is a vital one. Most high-end florists provide floral food with bouquets for the customer’s convenience. However, if the florist hasn’t provided you with the food or you have used all of it, the recipe to make it is pretty straightforward. Flower food has three main ingredients: one sugar for the nourishment of flowers, citric acid to help the flower to absorb nutrition faster and keep the pH level low, and lastly, antibacterial powder. To make your own floral food, just take some refined sugar and mix it with clear bleach or some kind of gin or vodka, and lastly, add in a crushed vitamin C tablet or lemon juice. Pour the mixture into the freshwater when you change it, and you are good to go.

Flowers are one of the most wonderful things present on this beautiful planet, and now you have the option to send flowers to Mumbai through an online flower delivery service. Make the best of these tips and be happy with a bunch of magical blossoms!