How to propagate sansevieria
When plants online get too large or rambling, or when you simply want some more plants of the same kind, then it is time to take action. One of those fast-growing indoor plants happens to be Sansevieria Trifasciata. Owners of this plant are often catering to the age-old dilemma - how should I propagate this plant?
The Sansevieria plant has a very speedy growth and ends up covering the entire pot, and it eventually leads to the inward leaves turning yellow due to little or sparse sunlight. To prevent this, gardening enthusiasts and plant parents have to come up with alternative plans - propagating the Snake Plant.

Snake plant propagation
Propagating Sansevieria plants in spring or autumn is a relatively easy and manageable task.
What are the signs that a plant needs attention:
- overcrowding the pot
- slow growth even with regular care
- roots growing through the drainage holes
- dying off in the centre of the plant
Plants need to be prepared a couple of weeks before you plan to propagate. Water the pots well, using a weak fertiliser and keep out of the sun to reduce transpiration.
Check that you have all the necessary supplies on hand before you start:
- fresh potting mix suitable for plants to be 'operated on'
- larger size pots which have been washed and sterilised if potting on
- hormone powder if making stem cuttings - honey is a good substitute
- secateurs which are sharp, clean and sterilised (sterilise between each plant by dipping the blades into methylated spirits)
Name tags are significant if you take lots of cuttings and intend to give them away or sell them.
There are several ways of propagating, depending on the plant:
Snake plant or Mother-in-Law's Tongue can be propagated by taking a single leaf and putting its stem into a pot of compost with a plastic bag over the top, creating a mini-greenhouse.
The cuttings should be about 3 inches long, and you must pot them immediately.
Before replanting, take away any dead leaves or flowers and clean up the roots. Peat pots make valuable containers for single cuttings as they can be transplanted straight into a larger container when ready.
A word of warning:
When handling potting mixes, use gloves and keep the mixture moist to avoid breathing in dust. Always wash your hands thoroughly after working with soil or organic matter. Follow the instructions on the potting mix bag to protect yourself.
Successful propagation takes practice, and you may have a few failures, but we learn from our mistakes. Do not be afraid to experiment. Who knows where it may lead? A home business, perhaps? Gardeners love to talk to other enthusiasts about their hobby (or obsession), and buying directly from the grower has great appeal.