
How Do You Make a Home Made Cake Look Good?

May 04, 2020

A cake isn't just a proportion of flour, butter, sugar, milk, and flavours mixed together to bake. It is the sheer happiness to the eyes and relaxation to the spirit. A cake is a tremendously refreshing celebrations ingredient and enjoyed as a present for significant celebrations and events. However, an occasion is not always required to bake a cake or to have a slice of cake. Your morning coffee can simply turn into something amazing by just having a piece of cake. Now, if you want to experience the same eye-pleasing cake as offered by bakeries, then worry not! We have put together a list of cake decoration ideas at home. You can follow these easy ways to decorate a cake at home like a pro! Let’s get on with the ideas to turn your homemade cake into a great masterpiece!

Powdered Sugar

Grind some white sugar and sprinkle it over the cake sponge. Now spread it evenly and then decorate the cake with raspberries or strawberries. If it’s a chocolate cake or any dark coloured cake, you can use powdered sugar to create amazing designs and messages on the top of the cake.

Powdered Sugar


An idea for the most simple cake decoration at home! All you need to do is make a stencil or a mould of your desired shape like round shape, star shape, etc. Now fill in the stencil or mould with sprinklers and after then you can also decorate the border of the cake with sprinkles. Once done, let it cool for some time so that it embeds to the surface.


Chocolates and Candies

So, the cake is ready, right? Well, to turn the cake into a perfect birthday cake or any other celebration cake, simply get GEMS, Dairy Milk, or any other chocolates and candies. You can either pie these between the cake layers or you can sprinkle them over the top for a great look of the cake.

Chocolates and Candies


Nothing can compete with fresh berries and fruits. Top the cake with fresh and delicious fruits or insert the fruit slices in between the cake layers. You can even go with dry fruits topping according to the cake design and occasion. Surely fruits and dry fruits are easily accessible in the kitchen and will take just a few minutes to decorate the cake.



Make use of coconut shavings for frosting the cake as it healthy and looks fabulous. You can even envelope the whole vanilla or chocolate cake with the coconut shavings to give it a completely new look. Use the coconut shavings over the light frosting to garnish the delicious cake.



We are talking about real flowers! Yes! There are many flowers that are edible and nothing can give your cake a more refreshing look than blooming blooms. Get in some flowers from your garden and decorate the cake with these magnificent flowers. From lavender to rose petals, give your delectable cake a floral look. Also, if it’s an anniversary cake, then this decoration looks perfect for the romantic vibes.


Ice Cream

A match made in heaven! The cold ice cream topped on the warm cake will surely give your taste buds a heavenly experience. Just take 2-3 scoops of ice cream, ice cream cones, and some sprinklers. Place the scoops of ice cream over the cake and then cover it with cones. Use colourful sprinklers to finally decorate the cake border and to give it a fabulous look.

Ice Cream

These were the 7 best cake decoration ideas at home. You can choose the perfect cake decoration at home according to your delicious cake design and flavour. Either you bake your own cake or you have ordered one online, these easy cake decoration ideas are sure to turn the cake into something amazing! Happy eating! Happy decorating!

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