
7 Homemade Gifts For Grandparents

September 18, 2020

“ Grandparent’s love feels like nobody else’s.” Choose to celebrate your grandparents with love over these homemade grandparent gifts ideas. The list is inclusive of ideas ranging from easy to very easy and are thoughtful, creative, and beautiful.

Homemade Gifts For Grandparents

Keep scrolling for some awesome ideas.

1. Potted Flower Planter

Who doesn’t love potted flowers, especially in a hand-painted planter with LOVE?

● Planter or planters

● Acrylic paints

● Plant seeds of your choice

Potted Flower Planter

Steps: Paint the planter with acrylic paint as per your imagination and creativity. You can browse Pinterest or Google Images for designs. Let the paint dry. Then, plant seeds into the planter. Sow seeds of any plant or favourite plant of your grandparents. Once the plant has bloomed, gift the planter to them.

2. Clay Change Bowl

We know grandma loves all things organized and in place. There are no better homemade gifts for grandma than clay bowls, which she can use to corral loose change.

● Polymer clay or bake clay

● Paints

Clay Change Bowl

Steps: Form any sculpture from the clay. You can make a flower petal bowl by pressing smaller petals into the centre of the large petals. Or, you can make leaf shape bowls. Bake the clay as per package instructions to harden the clay. Now, paint the clay sculpture.

3. Photo Album

Give your grandparent’s a token of sweet memories by making a photo album for them.

● Old Photographs

● Glue Stick and scissors

● Cardboard

● Colourful Sheets

● Paper punch

Photo Album

Steps: Get digital printouts of the photographs. Take colourful sheets and cut into two halves. Make sure; each sheet is of the same size and shape. Punch the sheets on the sides. Paste photographs on each sheet and decorate it as you like. Stack the sheets, one on the other and put metal rings into the punch holes.

4. Popsicle Picture Frame

Emblazon the heart and soul of your grandparents with the beautiful memories they have made with you. This homemade popsicle picture frame makes one of the best gifts for dad, mom, wife, or any other family member.

● Popsicle Sticks

● Washi tapes

● Glue

● Magnet

Popsicle Picture Frame

Steps: Cover the popsicle sticks with washi tapes, as many as you want. Arrange the popsicle sticks in any pattern with the help of the glue (Two pattern designs are depicted in the picture). Glue a magnet on the top centre at the back of your frame. Let it dry, and then decorate with pictures and other decorations. You can also push pins to attach the pictures.

5. Things I love About Grandma and Grandpa

Extend to your grandparents a basketful of love, happiness, and goodies. For the goodies, you can do online gift shopping.

● Basket

● Goodies

● Cardboard or printable cards

● Glue

Things I love About Grandma and Grandpa

Steps: On printable cards, write down the things you love about your grandma and grandpa. You can also write it down on a piece of paper and then stick on the cards cut out of the cardboard. Once you have the tags, buy a gift that represents the answer. Attach the gifts with the tags. Now, put it in the basket.

6. Photo Keychains

Your grandad can keep all his children and little ones close to him all the time with this cute photo keychains

● Photographs

● Hang tags or thick cards

● Colourful sheets and decorations

● Modge Podge gloss

● Glue

Photo Keychains

Steps: Take the digital printout of the photographs. Decorate the hang tags or thick cards with colourful sheets and decorations. Paste photographs on the decorated hang tags/cards. Coat the entire piece with a layer of modge podge gloss paint. Let it dry. Now, add grommet and chains to the tags. Add pieces together in the chain and connect it to the grandad’s keychain.

7. Cupcake Pot

Do your grandparents have a sweet tooth? Bake them cupcakes, arrange them in a pot and give them a gift that’s too pretty to eat.

● cake mix

● Pot

● Whipped cream

● Styrofoam ball

Cupcake Pot

Steps:/ Bake 10-12 cupcakes. To bake cupcakes, you can use a cake mix or whisk (2 eggs, ⅔ sugar, 1 ½ unsalted butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, ½ cup milk, 1 ½ cup flour, ¼ teaspoon baking soda, and 1 ½ teaspoon baking powder) Then pour the batter into the cupcake tin and bake. Place a styrofoam ball in the pot. Working your way around the ball, insert a toothpick and add baked cupcakes. Angle the toothpicks up, so that cupcakes stay on. Now, frost the cupcakes with whipped cream.

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