30 Heat-loving Summer Flowers To Delight Your Eyes

Dear Summer Flowers, the colours of you guys under the bright light of the sun appear like the rainbow has decided to rest on the soft bed of land with more than the colours assigned to it.

You love to stand naked with your beauty to absorb the heat that falls from the sky. Your courage gives us the gardens that look like someone has emptied bottles of painting colours in hushed tones. And thus, people call you guys the heat-loving flowers.

Heat-loving Summer Flowers To Delight Your Eyes

Without a doubt, you guys deserve every bit of appreciation and attention from the balls that you get.

1. Lilies

By letting its leaves dry up while keeping the main bulb of the flower alive, it prevents the loss of excess moisture.


2. Blanket Flower

Also known as Gaillardia, the blanket flower can easily grow in the scorching heat of summer.

Blanket Flower

3. Gloriosa Daisy

It is also known as Black-Eyed Susan and can grow up to a height of 3.5 feet.

Gloriosa Daisy

4. Musk Rose

It is an Indian summer flower which has an exceptional and breathtaking appearance.

Musk Rose

5. Marigold

It is one of the most useful flowers that grows in summer. Uses: Devotional, medicinal, helps in keeping pests away, and also used as a food colouring agent.


6. Veronica

The veronica prefers bright sun in the Northern Hemisphere and shaded light in the Southern Hemisphere.


7. Roses

A flower of love and romance, roses can easily grow in summer.


8. Bougainvillea

It grows rapidly in summer and requires minimal care to bloom.


9. Dahlia

With its symmetrical bright coloured petals, Dahlia makes sure to attract eyes in the light of summer sun.


10. Sunflower

Requires no other justification for being the summer flower than its name!


11. Coreopsis

Another summer-blooming magic from nature, coreopsis can grow effortlessly.


12. Yarrow

It is one of the summer season flowers which can easily adapt to all other weather conditions.


13. Chrysanthemums

Available in red, orange, white, purple, and yellow flowers, it has a short life span.


14. Beardtongue

We know the name is unique & weird! It looks like a semi-cone and partly tube-shaped.


15. Pineapple Lily

It can grow up to 12 - 15 inches. And it belongs to the Asparagus family.

Pineapple Lily

16. Daffodils

Known for its soothing fragrance; Daffodils bloom best in early, mid, or late summer!


17. Zinnia

It has earned the tag of Space flower. All varieties of Zinnia can survive and bloom with pride in Summer.


18. Lotus

The elegance of this National flower of India can be easily witnessed floating on the water in summers.


19. Globe Amaranth

It is a clover-like plant which requires moderate watering to bloom in summer.

Globe Amaranth

20. Oxalis

This heat-tolerant flower grows to the height of 6 inches and the blooming season lasts up to 10 weeks.


21. Perennial Hibiscus

Available in red, white, and pink colours, perennial hibiscus is also known as swamp hibiscus and rose-mallow.

Perennial Hibiscus

22. Petunias

The easy growing capability makes this summer flower the most popular and most loved among routine gardeners.


23. Sea Holly

Deriving the name from the deep steel blue colour, this flower loves the heat that the sun throws at it.

Sea Holly

24. Coral Bells

Famous for the eye-catchy deep purple leaves, the coral bell is also known as Alumroot.

Coral Bells

25. Peony

With a lifespan of over 100 years, this flowering plant can survive both summer and winter without much care.


26. Plumeria

Plumeria flowers are available in white, red, pink, purple and yellow colours to make your summer colourful.


27. Pansy

Growing and blooming in the bright light of the sun in summer, Pansy has a charming and radiant appearance.


28. Daylily

Due to its capability of growing in less water and bright sunlight, Daylily is the perfect summer flower.


29. Purple Coneflower

We surely love the name and the way it looks at its full bloom. It can grow up to 4 inches.

Purple Coneflower

30. Lavender

Lavenders are widely used for their lovely and soul-satisfying fragrance. Expert gardeners believe that it is the best flowering plant for summer conditions.


You can turn your backyard into a heavenly garden in summer with these flowers that grow in summer with little care. For best results, look for the care videos and potting tutorials.

“Ohh flower, I consider you as the soothing and sensitive poetry from the almighty” - Aadi

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