Heart Warming Messages That You Can Send To Your Partner On Promise Day 2023
Love is an experience that is exceptionally rare and beautiful, it’s capable of changing your life for the better while making you the happiest you have ever been

Nothing can beat the all-consuming feeling you get when you cross paths with your soul mate, the person who understands you like no one else.
“Love is a promise, love is a souvenir,
Once given, never forgotten….
Never let it Disappear!”
The words of Mr. John Lenon would have made perfect sense when you both started your journey together. We know you made some secret promises to yourself, promises of love, care, commitment and happiness! Those promises are the foundation of your relationship and mean so much more than a bouquet of Valentine flowers. Speaking of Valentine’s, an entire day is dedicated to the lovely promises of love, known as the Promise Day, in Valentine’s week that is just around the corner. They say some promises are meant to be broken but promises made on promise day are meant to be kept. This promise day, make a promise to your beloved to love them unconditionally no matter what comes in your way.
Any plans for Valentine’s promise gifts? If the answer is no, then do not fret, as we said earlier your words and feelings mean so much more than ,Valentine Gifts, hence, here are some adequately written beautiful messages that will help you to express your heart’s deepest feelings to the person you love the most! Once you find Promise Day Gifts Online express love with these promise day love quotes.The drop down list contains Promise day quotes for Wife, Husband, Boyfriend, and Girlfriend.
Promise Day Quotes For Wife
This promise day, surprise with a romantic Valentine Gift for her and promise her to be with her through every thick and thin.
- As a king takes care of his crown,
I promise I will love you and cherish you from this very moment,
to life’s every dawn!
- I still can not believe my fate, I am tongue-tied, frozen in my state
The promises that I made silently, I now want to share
So, allow me if I am not too late…
A promise to love you now and forever
A promise to face everything together
A promise to fight the world with you by my side
& a promise to sail through life together, with every tide.
- I may not be to able express, but you are the one that I truly desire
And I promise I will be there for you even if the world around is on fire,
And as will be there, together, waiting for a charm
I will be glad just to be engulfed in your arms!
Promise day quotes for Husband
You may express your love with the best Valentine Gift for him but trust us nothing can express your love for him more than words. Here are some love-filled messages which will definitely help you express your love.
- Promise is not a demonstration of care by sending messages and calling
Promise in true love is to deeply understand each other
and keep remembering each other in our hearts.
Happy Promise Day!
- I remember when you asked, what I want the most
I looked into your eyes, the words I wanted to utter, were lost
The desire was not of stars and neither of moon
The need was to make you mine, soon
And as that dream came true,
I thought I wouldn’t want anything else, but I do
I want us to be together, come what may
And I want you to read in my eyes, what my lips don’t say…
- Though we have been married for year
it is never too late to make a promise….
On Promise Day, I promise to never let the spark in our marriage disappear
Send a promise love message for my love along with a romantic and thoughtful gift and watch the smile go wide on his face.
Promise Day Quotes for Boyfriend
For the one who stood by you in thick and thin. Send him a love-filled message to express your love.
- In happiness and in sorrow,
In sickness and in health,
I promise I’ll be there for you.
Happy Promise Day!
- I promise that I am never going to let you go
I am never going to leave your hand
I am never going to stop loving you
Best wishes on Promise Day to my darling boyfriend.
- To the most amazing boyfriend,
I promise that we will make it the most beautiful journey for both of us
Happy Promise Day.”
Promise Day Quotes for Girlfriend
Like she expresses her heart out to you, it's time to return the favor with a special promise day message to her.
- I Love You
I Promise to love you all my life…
I Promise to always be beside you throughout my life...
I Promise to never let go smiles from your face…
I Promise to stay with you till the end of time...
Happy Promise Day!
- I promise you all the happiness
and love in this world, which you truly deserve.
I will take good care of you
and make our bonds stronger.
Happy Promise Day!
- Forever is neither today nor tomorrow...
But it is a lifetime.
And I promise to love you forever...
HAPPY PROMISE DAY, sweetheart!
- As I see you there, away from me
Shall I tell you what exactly I see?
I see a man/woman who makes me feel proud
I see the love that, despite the distance, screams loud
I see someone who is brave and kind
I see a beautiful soul with a sound mind
And as I see you, I make some promises to me
That here I am by your side and here is where I always will be….

Express love to your beloved with a special promise love quotes for him and her along with a romantic gift that will express your heart out.
Promise Day is entirely dedicated to you and the one you love. We hope that our messages will make Valentine’s day gifts more special. Happy reading and happy Valentine’s Day, may you always be in love!