
Health Benefits of Hibiscus Flower

May 21, 2021

Hibiscus plants are renowned for their large, colourful flowers. Not only these flowers can make a decorative addition to a garden or home, but they also have medicinal uses. The flowers and leaves can easily be made into teas and liquid extracts to help treat various conditions. There are a plethora of hibiscus flower benefits that are truly magical and helpful for us. Hibiscus can help with weight loss and cancer and also help in relieving conditions that include:

  • upset stomach
  • high blood pressure
  • bacterial infections
  • fever
Health Benefits of Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus flowers come in many colours. The blossoms can be red, yellow, white, or peach-coloured and can be as big as 6 inches wide. The most popular variety is Hibiscus sabdariffa. The red flowers of this variety are usually cultivated for medical purposes and are available as dietary supplements. No denying, we all are surrounded by different colours and hues of hibiscus flowers that are loaded with benefits. There are countless hibiscus benefits that are totally worth it to know. However, hibiscus tea is popular worldwide due to its immense uses and benefits.

Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus tea, sometimes called “sour tea”, is a herbal beverage known for its tart taste and beautiful pink or magenta colour. It has long been consumed as a healthy hot or cold drink in Mexico and Central America. The hibiscus flower petals have been used as a natural source of food dye for centuries, which gives this tea its spectacular colour of rose to bright red. It has also been used to make cotton and flour colouring and be used as a folk medicine as an antiseptic, diuretic, and aid digestion.

  • Different cultures have used hibiscus as a remedy for various conditions. Egyptians used hibiscus tea to cure heart and nerve diseases, reduce body temperature, and as a diuretic to increase urine production. This particular tea is widely rich in antioxidants as well. This beneficial function of the hibiscus flower is surely a boon for mankind.
  • In Africa, hibiscus tea was used to cure constipation, cancer, liver disease, and cold symptoms. Pulp made from the leaves was also applied to the skin to heal wounds.
  • In Iran, drinking sour tea is still a standard treatment for high blood pressure.
  • In recent years, the hibiscus plant has received increased attention for its potential to lower blood pressure. Humans have used the leaves of this tropical flower for centuries to treat a host of health problems. Herbalists currently use honey and extracts from this flower to treat diabetes. Studies show that hibiscus tea or extract can dramatically improve kidney function, inhibit tumour growth, and fight bacteria. The compounds in hibiscus suggest it could be a powerful addition to any natural medicine cabinet
  • Hibiscus is related to the okra plant, and it's pink and red flowers contain anthocyanins, which some research suggests may contribute to cancer treatment. The hibiscus flower tea has long been consumed to lower blood pressure and help with digestion. These benefits are likely linked to the role hibiscus plays in reducing oxidative stress on the body. The flowers have been used as a natural dysentery remedy. In countries like India where a major number of people are suffering from the problem of blood pressure, These uses of hibiscus flower tea is indeed a helping hand.
  • Another recent study found that hibiscus extract might affect metabolism, preventing obesity and fat buildup in the liver. The tropical plant has even been used successfully to treat head lice as part of a herbal extract mixture.
  • Hibiscus tea and extract can be bought from health food stores as dietary supplements. There is no recommended dose because this depends on the product you are buying and why you’re using it. The usual quantity of calyx in one serving of tea is 1.5 grams, but studies have used as much as 10 grams of the dried calyx and extracts containing as much as 250 milligrams of anthocyanins.
  • Hair strengthening and nourishment is indeed one of the most crucial pink hibiscus flower benefits that are needed in today’s stressful time. They are really effective if you are suffering from problems like hair fall and hair thinning. However, the leaves of these particular plants serve greatly in the treatment of hair loss.
  • When used as a tea, hibiscus is considered safe generally. But more research is required to ascertain a safe dosage for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children, and people with liver or kidney disease.
  • The Hibiscus tea is a tropical mix of organic hibiscus flowers and lemon peel. It comes in a convenient portion of teabags. Drink this delicious cup of nearly fat-free herbal tea to stay calm and focused throughout the day without consuming caffeine. Each cup contains eight calories and 0 sugar with a minimal amount of caffeine.

Conclusion of Hibiscus Flower Benefits

Hibiscus remains a famous herbal remedy in countries globally. As research continues, it may become more broadly accepted as an effective medical treatment. However, apart from these great health benefits, hibiscus flowers used as medicine and home remedy for skin problems work really wonderfully. It is also known as an anti-ageing plant as it helps in enhancing skin elasticity. So, try the hibiscus remedies and see the positive changes in your health.

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