Flowers That Bloom At Night
The patio is the place that we all want to decorate. A flamboyant patio is like a dream come true. Beauty wins the souls, and the colours spread happiness around us. We see many flowers that grow in the morning. Some bloom with the sunrise, some bloom in the afternoon, but there are certain flowers that bloom at night. Yes, such flowers give our patio a new look at night. If you notice then, flowers that bloom at night are more aromatic because they attract the nocturnal creatures to feed. Certain flowers close or drop as the sunsets, but these flowers arise at night with moonlight. These flowers make your surroundings more cherishing, and one of them is also known as the queen of night flowers because of the structure and fragrance that makes people feel better. Today, under this blog, you will learn about the flowers that make your garden look enchanting even at night. Add these bunch of flowers to the garden to make your patio look beautiful both day and night. So, let’s have a look at the flowers that bloom at night.

Night Blooming Jasmine
Night-blooming jasmine is also known as the queen of night flowers. The aroma it spreads is soothing to many, but the heavy scent also irritates some people. These flowers are visually enchanting and give a good fragrance to the senses. So, adding these flowers to your night garden will be perfect.

As the name suggests Nicotiana, its genus produces tobacco that is used in cigars and cigarettes. This species germinates quickly so you might want to try with one seed. They bloom in the hue white, green, pink or red and can be picked from an online nursery. These plants attract hummingbirds and add colours and fragrances to the garden in the evening.

Datura or devil’s trumpet can be grown up to six feet tall, and they come in hue purple, yellow, pink or white that adds beautiful colours to your garden. This is a great flower that blooms at night, but it is highly poisonous so keeping it away from the reach of pets and children is recommended. The sweet smell of these flowers will enhance your experience.

Night Gladiolus
You would see night gladiolus flowers mainly in coastal or near coastal areas of California. They grow up to 4 feet in height and need well-drained soil. Night gladiolus thrives well in full sun, and you can see them in late spring to mid-summer. So, adding a night gladiolus to your garden would be great. They are one of the flowers that bloom at night and spread fragrance around.

Moonflower prefers moist soil and grows easily. These flowers open in the evening and last after sunrise as well. On rainy days, they open a little late but, they do. In the hue white and pink, these flowers will add soothing colours to your garden, and you will enjoy their appearance around you. So, add these flowers that bloom at night to your patio and experience their charm making your home look more beautiful.

Angel’s trumpet is often confused with devil’s trumpet but, they are easy to identify as angel’s trumpet faces downwards, and devil’s trumpet faces to the sky. You can find them in California, and they are easy to grow. Their lovely fragrance will make your evening better, but these flowers need to be kept away from the reach of children and pets because they are highly poisonous. So, if you don’t have both then, bless your garden with angel’s trumpet flowers.

Night Scented Orchids
If you are a good gardener, then you can grow night-scented orchids. Otherwise, you would often find them in Florida in the United States. We cannot guarantee that they will always bloom at night but, they will surely release their scent after sunset that makes them special. With diligent watering and maintenance, you can grow this plant easily. So, add night-scented orchids to your garden this time.

Final Thoughts
You can grow these beautiful blooms in your garden and experience the aromatic freshness around you. The flowers that bloom at night will give your patio a different look, and your neighbours will also enjoy its aroma. So, do not think twice. Add these bouquets of flowers to your garden via FlowerAura, a florist that is just a click away.