Raksha Bandhan

A Few Incredible Petty Things Siblings Do To Each Other In Childhood

August 08, 2019

Siblings are those people in your life whom you trust the most and love the most. They are individuals you realize will consistently have your back no matter what the situation is. But, the one thing that is intrinsic in all sibling connections is fighting. If you have siblings then you know very well. They engage in a wide range of battles some verbal, some physical, some extreme, some shallow. Isn’t it? Well, in the phase of childhood, teasing each other or doing some incredibly petty things to each other is the reason to make them start fighting with each other without a second thought. But, the best thing about these quarrels with your siblings in childhood is that they add a plethora of unforgettable moments to your childhood memories which you love to cherish for a lifetime. So, here are some of the most incredible petty acts stated below which siblings enjoy doing to each other in childhood.

Few Incredible Petty Things Siblings Do To Each Other in Childhood

They Took Your Money

A fight for money among the siblings is a very common issue. They never miss the chance to take each other’s savings and use them for their own purpose. You also did it in your childhood. Right? It is a petty thing which becomes a classic reason for a fight between siblings. When you get money from your parents or relatives, you make sure to keep them in the safest place. But, when your sibling steals them and spends for their personal reason, it takes you at the highest peak of anger.

They Took Your Money

Hide Your Important Things

Making each other annoying is one of the favourite games of siblings in their childhood. They always search for a new way to make their brother or sister feel irritated. Hiding their important stuff such as their school uniform, their new shoes, new watch, school bag, etc. is an incredibly petty thing that they love to do to each other.

Hide Your Important Things

Fight For Television Remote

Have you ever gone to your mother after losing a fight for television remote? Well, if you have a sibling you definitely fought for the television remote at least once. It is one of the sibling’s favourite chores to do everyday. And the most awkward thing is that their favourite T.V. programs fall on different channels at the very same time.

Fight For Television Remote

Claiming Your New Stuff

There are a few things that you are excessively possessive of in your childhood. It might be toys, clothes, books, etc. you do not allow anyone even to touch. So, when your sibling tries to claim it, it is undoubtedly welcoming inconvenience. They begin battles as well as undeniable fights which simply continue endlessly.

Claiming Your New Stuff

Break Your Favourite Toy

In childhood, everyone was familiar that how much you love our toys. But, what about those moments when your sibling broke your favourite toy in front of you? Would you keep calm and let it happen so easily? Well, the answer is no. You would start fighting with them and your battle goes to your father to settle down. This is what happens among the sibling in their childhood which becomes a sweet memory for a lifetime.

Break Your Favourite Toy

Teasing Each Other

When it comes to make your sibling cry for no reason then teasing them is one of the great ideas everyone loves to go for. After all, it was your favourite hobby in childhood. The siblings start teasing each other in such an annoying way that become a big reason for a fight between them.

Teasing Each Other

Lock You In A Dark Room

Have you ever played hide and seek in your childhood? Well, siblings also use this game as a weapon to make each other angry. Playing such games and lock their brother or sister in a dark room is everyone’s favourite act when they were kids. It is one of the most irritating factors which fuels a fight which is never going to end.

 Lock You In A Dark Room

Hide Food From Each Other

Remember those days when you do not want to share your favourite food with anyone, especially with your sibling. The time when you and your sibling both run to the kitchen in search of a delicious meal. But, your sibling got the whole container and ran away. How annoying it was. Wasn’t it? Siblings enjoy doing such a kind of activity in childhood and make their brother or sister sitting in a corner with an angry mood.

 Hide Food From Each Other

Thus, those of you who have siblings will surely agree with these all said. The relationship you have with your sibling is unparalleled in every stage of your life. It's most likely, perhaps the nearest bond you have. Maybe, that is the reason for sibling’s battle to such an extent. Well, these fights are healthy but we need to handle it with proper care and settle appropriately.

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